A mirror of my website's source code.

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File name Media type Size Last commit
_layout.html text/html 1.54 kiB 8cb62cc Another footer section + links
blog-post.html text/html 1.28 kiB cfd5f3b Blog toolbars.
index.html text/plain 242 B 2b10e25 rewrite index
blog-feed.rss text/xml 963 B 6923f1d I think this is a good first draft for a site.
_macros.html text/html 478 B 1badb35 There isn't a really good name for this commit.
link-tree.html text/html 7.01 kiB b915ef2 Correction in link tree
blog-list.html text/html 1003 B cfd5f3b Blog toolbars.
404.html text/html 243 B cfd5f3b Blog toolbars.