A mirror of my website's source code.

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Blog toolbars.

created on Friday, 12 January 2024, 02:34:54 (1705026894), received on Monday, 6 May 2024, 02:55:33 (1714964133)
Author identity: Steve0Greatness <75220768+Steve0Greatness@users.noreply.github.com>



@@ -51,13 +51,19 @@ def RenderPosts():

                                                for post in ListDirectory("blog-posts"):
                                                    path = "blog-posts/" + post
                                                    RenderedHTML: str
                                                PostMD: str
                                                PostPath = post.replace(".md", ".html")
                                                PlaintextPath = post.replace(".md", ".txt")
                                                    with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as PostContent:
                                                    PostHTML = RenderMarkdown(PostContent.read())
                                                    PostMD = PostContent.read()
                                                    PostHTML = RenderMarkdown(PostMD)
                                                        Title = PostHTML.metadata["title"]
                                                        PostDate = PostHTML.metadata["date"]
                                                    RenderedHTML = RenderTemplate("blog-post.html", Title=Title, PostDate=PostDate, Content=PostHTML)
                                                with open(BUILD_DIRECTORY + "/blog/" + post.replace(".md", ".html"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as PostLocation:
                                                    RenderedHTML = RenderTemplate("blog-post.html", Title=Title, PostDate=PostDate, Content=PostHTML, PostPath=PostPath, PlaintextPath=PlaintextPath)
                                                with open(BUILD_DIRECTORY + "/blog/" + PostPath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as PostPlaintext:
                                                with open(BUILD_DIRECTORY + "/blog/" + PlaintextPath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as PostPlaintext:
                                            def RenderPage(PageInput: str, ContentDest: str, **kwargs):
                                                with open(BUILD_DIRECTORY + "/" + ContentDest, "w", encoding="utf-8") as DestLocation:


@@ -0,0 +1 @@

                                        <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="208" height="128" viewBox="0 0 208 128" fill="#fff" stroke="#fff"><rect width="198" height="118" x="5" y="5" ry="10" stroke="#fff" stroke-width="10" fill="none"/><path d="M30 98V30h20l20 25 20-25h20v68H90V59L70 84 50 59v39zm125 0l-30-33h20V30h20v35h20z"/></svg>


@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

                                        .toolbar :any-link {
                                            text-decoration: none;
                                            font-size: 16px;
                                            font-family: monospace;


@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ html {

                                            body {
                                            background-color: #0c0c10;
                                            background-color: #161619;
                                                color: #fff;

@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ body > header {

                                                display: flex;
                                                padding: 8px;
                                                align-items: center;
                                            background-color: #ffffff05;
                                            background-color: #0c0c10;
                                            body > header :any-link {


@@ -0,0 +1 @@

                                        <svg viewBox="0 0 500 500" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-miterlimit="2"><path d="M473.266 301.162c-6.855 35.271-61.403 73.871-124.051 81.352-32.669 3.898-64.833 7.48-99.131 5.908-56.092-2.57-100.352-13.389-100.352-13.389 0 5.46.337 10.66 1.01 15.522 7.293 55.356 54.89 58.672 99.977 60.218 45.508 1.558 86.028-11.22 86.028-11.22l1.87 41.141s-31.83 17.093-88.533 20.236c-31.268 1.719-70.092-.786-115.31-12.755C36.7 462.217 19.833 357.677 17.253 251.604c-.786-31.494-.302-61.191-.302-86.028C16.952 57.11 88.02 25.318 88.02 25.318c35.834-16.457 97.32-23.378 161.243-23.9h1.57c63.923.522 125.45 7.443 161.281 23.9 0 0 71.064 31.792 71.064 140.258 0 0 .892 80.026-9.91 135.586" fill="#3088d4" fill-rule="nonzero"/><g fill="#fff"><path d="M476.925 278.214c-4.531 1.19-9.3 1.72-14.272 1.72-15.137 0-26.834-3.956-35.088-11.868-8.256-7.915-12.386-19.439-12.386-34.576v-66.309h-22.704V141.38h22.704v-31.477h32.253v31.477h34.342c.961 7.6 1.403 15.66 1.403 24.197l-.003 1.605h-35.742v65.536c0 6.708 1.633 11.826 4.9 15.352 3.27 3.527 7.999 5.288 14.192 5.288 5.035 0 9.482-.918 13.318-2.817l-.471 5.996-2.446 21.678z"/><path d="M326.94 279.935c-13.933 0-26.492-3.012-37.672-9.033-11.182-6.02-19.91-14.404-26.19-25.155-6.276-10.75-9.417-22.922-9.417-36.51 0-13.587 3.141-25.715 9.418-36.38 6.28-10.665 15.007-19.008 26.19-25.026 11.179-6.02 23.738-9.032 37.67-9.032 14.105 0 26.747 3.011 37.927 9.032 11.182 6.018 19.91 14.361 26.19 25.026 6.276 10.665 9.417 22.793 9.417 36.38 0 13.588-3.14 25.76-9.418 36.51-6.279 10.751-15.007 19.135-26.19 25.155-11.179 6.021-23.82 9.033-37.926 9.033zm0-27.61c11.866 0 21.671-3.954 29.41-11.868 7.743-7.912 11.614-18.319 11.614-31.22 0-12.9-3.871-23.307-11.613-31.219-7.74-7.911-17.545-11.869-29.412-11.869-11.869 0-21.631 3.958-29.285 11.87-7.656 7.911-11.48 18.318-11.48 31.219 0 12.9 3.824 23.307 11.48 31.219 7.654 7.914 17.416 11.869 29.285 11.869z" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M181.159 279.935c-13.933 0-26.489-3.012-37.668-9.033-11.182-6.02-19.91-14.404-26.19-25.155-6.28-10.75-9.418-22.922-9.418-36.51 0-13.587 3.139-25.715 9.418-36.38 6.28-10.665 15.008-19.008 26.19-25.026 11.18-6.02 23.735-9.032 37.668-9.032 14.105 0 26.747 3.011 37.93 9.032 11.179 6.018 19.91 14.361 26.189 25.026 6.276 10.665 9.415 22.793 9.415 36.38 0 13.588-3.139 25.76-9.415 36.51-6.28 10.751-15.01 19.135-26.19 25.155-11.182 6.021-23.824 9.033-37.93 9.033zm0-27.61c11.869 0 21.674-3.954 29.414-11.868 7.742-7.912 11.61-18.319 11.61-31.22 0-12.9-3.868-23.307-11.61-31.219-7.74-7.911-17.545-11.869-29.414-11.869-11.867 0-21.63 3.958-29.285 11.87-7.653 7.911-11.481 18.318-11.481 31.219 0 12.9 3.828 23.307 11.48 31.219 7.657 7.914 17.42 11.869 29.286 11.869z" fill-rule="nonzero"/><path d="M18.353 141.38h21.158v-31.478h32.25v31.477h36.896v25.802H71.762v65.536c0 6.708 1.635 11.826 4.902 15.352 3.268 3.527 7.998 5.288 14.192 5.288 7.222 0 13.243-1.89 18.06-5.676l9.029 22.963c-3.782 3.098-8.383 5.42-13.803 6.969-5.418 1.546-11.137 2.322-17.158 2.322-15.136 0-26.833-3.957-35.09-11.87-8.256-7.914-12.383-19.438-12.383-34.575v-66.309H16.947l.005-1.605c0-8.537.44-16.597 1.401-24.197z"/></g></svg>


@@ -2,5 +2,5 @@

                                            {% block title %}404 Not Found{% endblock %}
                                            {% block content %}
                                            <h1>Error 404: Not Found</h1>
                                        <p>The requested resource was unable to be found.</p>
                                        <p>The requested resource was unable to be found. Maybe try going back to the <a href="/">index</a>?</p>
                                            {% endblock %}


@@ -2,13 +2,16 @@

                                            {% block Head %}
                                            <link rel="alternate" href="/blog/feed.rss" type="application/rss+xml" title="Steve0Greatness' Blog" />
                                        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/blog.css" />
                                            {% endblock %}
                                            {% block title %}Blog Index{% endblock %}
                                            {% from "_macros.html" import GenerateBreadcrumbs %}
                                            {% block breadcrumbs %}{{ GenerateBreadcrumbs([{ "href": "/blog","title": "Blog Index" }]) }}{% endblock %}
                                            {% block content %}
                                            <h1>Blog Posts</h1>
                                        <a href="/blog/feed.rss"><img src="/rss-feed-icon-96-by-96.png" width="16" height="16" alt="RSS Feed"></a>
                                        <div role="toolbar" class="toolbar">
                                            <a href="/blog/feed.rss"><img src="/rss-feed-icon-96-by-96.png" width="16" height="16" alt="RSS Feed"></a>
                                            <table class="blog-list">
                                                    {% for post in PostList %}


@@ -3,13 +3,29 @@

                                            {% block Head %}
                                            <link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/pygments-friendly.css" />
                                        <link rel="stylesheet" href="/src/blog.css" />
                                            {% endblock %}
                                            {% from "_macros.html" import GenerateBreadcrumbs %}
                                            {% block breadcrumbs %}{{ GenerateBreadcrumbs([{ "href": "/blog","title": "Blog Index" }, {"href": "#", "title": Title}]) }}{% endblock %}
                                            {% block content %}
                                            <h2 id="blog-post-titled">{{ Title }}</h2>
                                                <h2 id="blog-post-titled">{{ Title }}</h2>
                                                <div role="toolbar" class="toolbar">
                                                    <a href="https://toot.kytta.dev/?text=Take a look at this article by @S0G@mastodon.social: https://steve0greatness.github.io/blog/{{PostPath}}" title="Share to Mastodon">
                                                        <img src="/toot-kytta-dev-icon.svg" width="16" height="16" aria-hidden="true" title="Share to Mastodon" />
                                                    <a href="/blog/{{PostPath}}" title="Direct link">
                                                        <span aria-hidden="true">
                                                    <a href="/blog/{{PlaintextPath}}" title="Markdown source">
                                                        <img src="/md-src.svg" width="16" height="16" />
                                                {{ Content }}
                                            {% endblock %}


@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@

                                            {% block title %}Homepage{% endblock %}
                                            {% block content %}
                                        <a href="/blog">Blog</a> - <a href="/link-tree.html">Link Tree</a>
                                        <p>Hey there! I'm <i>Steve0Greatness</i>, who's a supposed human being. This site exists primarily for my blog posts(new and old), and to host a large list of links.</p>
                                            {% endblock %}