Submitting a Theme

Rules of Submitted Themes

The following rules are rules that all submitted themes must fulfill. These rules mostly do not apply to the content of the theme, but rather are about the metadata of the theme. We may request changes for you to make in order for it to fit out layed out rules.

How Can I Submit My Theme?

Over Email

You can email your theme to steve0greatnessiscool+rati[at]

When emailing it, please include this information with your theme:

Also make sure to include your themes CSS file with your email, otherwise it cannot be added.

Submit with Pull Request

You can also submit your theme in a PR to the repository this is hosted at: (or its mirror at

Simply place your theme CSS into a subdirectory under the theme direcotry(this should be your username), then include a bit of metadata in the themes.xml file in the project root.

This meta data should be as follows:

<theme> <title>{Theme Name}</title> <author uri="https://{profile link}" instance="{profile instance}" username="{author username}" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="https://{profile link}" xlink:show="replace" >{Author display name}</author> <uri xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="/themes/{pathto/theme.css}" xlink:show="replace" >{pathto/theme.css}</uri> </theme>