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title: My blog is now in one place date: 2024 Jan 1

Alright, I've now moved all my full blog posts over to this one website. There might be other I miss in other places, but I'll add them here soon. I will not be moving over my micro-blogs, however. Those are too small, and I'd rather keep those separated anyway.

I'm not a fan of how I wrote before December of 2022, everything there is filled with spelling mistakes and grammar issues, I also think most of it was rude towards the reader, which is not a good impression.

title: My blog is now in one place
date: 2024 Jan 1
Alright, I've now moved all my full blog posts over to this one website. There might be other I miss in other places, but I'll add them here soon. I will not be moving over my micro-blogs, however. Those are too small, and I'd rather keep those separated anyway.
I'm not a fan of how I wrote before December of 2022, everything there is filled with spelling mistakes and grammar issues, I also think most of it was rude towards the reader, which is not a good impression.