HTML document, ASCII text
1<html lang="en-US"> 2 3<head> 4<style> 5html { background: #000; color: #fff } 6a { color: #0ff; font-family: monospace } 7</style> 8<link rel="canonical" href="{{redirect}}" /> 9<meta charset="utf-8" /> 10<meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> 11<script>location.replace("{{redirect}}")</script> 12<meta http-equiv="reload" content="0; url={{redirect}}" /> 13<title>Redirecting...</title> 14</head> 15 16<body> 17<main> 18<h1>Redirecting...</h1> 19<p>This page has been moved to <a href="{{redirect}}">{{redirect}}</a> if you aren't automatically redirected, please click the following link to proceed to the new location of this page: <a href="{{redirect}}">{{redirect}}</a></p> 20</main> 21</body> 22 23</html> 24