{% extends "_layout.html" %} {% block Head %} {{super()}} {% endblock %} {% block title %}Homepage{% endblock %} {% block breadcrumbs %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}


Hey there! I'm Steve0Greatness(About my username). I'm a human being in the Milky Way galaxy.

I'm interested in various programming/computer science topics, including (but not limited to) Python, Go(lang), and Rust. I also have an interest in front-end web development, mainly, an interest in limiting the usage of JavaScript in the frontend. I use JavaScript very sparingly, only when it's required to do what I want it to. This website is (mostly) devoid of JavaScript, the only exception being the extras.

Speaking of which, welcome to my website!

Cool People & Projects!

Lily dimden Nekoweb Nekoweb Districts Gen1x/G1nx Ultrakill Garn47's Cool House King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard Andrea Sites. breakfast Nekoweb Wiki


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Some other cool stuff

My button!

Link to my site with this silly little button!

Steve0Greatness {% endblock %}