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Marquee Revamp

The frontpage marquee was jank before, thanks to a bit of help from Tropical , it is no longer jank. That marquee was causing me physical pain 🙃

Also, the XCF (used in GIMP) file for my Nekoweb cursor is here, it's not used on the site, just for Nekoweb.org.

I will put a small blog post on my website about the marquee on the frontpage so that maybe some other people can find that and be able to it.

created on Monday, 27 May 2024, 04:22:18 (1716783738), received on Monday, 27 May 2024, 04:43:47 (1716785027)
Author identity: Steve0Greatness <steve0greatnessiscool@gmail.com>




@@ -190,7 +190,6 @@ input:is([type=radio], [type=checkbox]):checked {

                                                animation: infinite linear ticker 14s;
                                                white-space: nowrap;
                                                display: inline-block;
                                            min-width: 100%;
                                                box-sizing: content-box;

@@ -200,10 +199,12 @@ input:is([type=radio], [type=checkbox]):checked {

                                            @keyframes ticker {
                                                0% {
                                                transform: translateX(100%);
                                                margin-left: 100%;
                                                transform: translateX(0%);
                                                100% {
                                                margin-left: 0;
                                                    transform: translateX(-100%);

@@ -211,3 +212,13 @@ input:is([type=radio], [type=checkbox]):checked {

                                            .cool-people-prj :any-link {
                                                text-decoration: none;
                                        @media (prefers-reduced-motion) {
                                            .ticker-wrapper .ticker {
                                                animation: none;
                                            .ticker-wrapper {
                                                overflow: scroll;