A mirror of my website's source code.

By using this site, you agree to have cookies stored on your device, strictly for functional purposes, such as storing your session and preferences.


Use internal redirects for external locations:

This is specifically for sitemeta. Source code has kinda done this for a bit now, IE have an internal link, but I haven't gotten around to making the guestbook and extras links have an internal redirect yet. They do now.

created on Sunday, 7 July 2024, 19:04:46 (1720379086), received on Monday, 15 July 2024, 15:49:11 (1721058551)
Author identity: Steve0Greatness <steve0greatnessiscool@gmail.com>



@@ -51,9 +51,11 @@ DISALLOWED_SITEMAP = {

                                            REDIRECTS = {
                                                "link-tree.html": "list/link-tree.html", # Old location -> new location
                                            "extras.html": "https://steve0greatness.github.io/extras",
                                            "guestbook.html": "https://steve0greatness.atabook.org/",
                                        SITEMAP_HREF = "https://steve0greatness.github.io/"
                                        SITEMAP_HREF = "https://steve0greatness.nekoweb.org/"
                                            sitemap = [
                                                SITEMAP_HREF + "blog/",

@@ -61,9 +63,9 @@ sitemap = [

                                            def EscapeHTMLForRSS(HTML: str) -> str:
                                                values = {
                                                "&": "&amp;", # this is here for a reason, do not change order.
                                                "&": "&amp;", # & is first for a reason, do not change it's location.
                                                    "<": "&lt;",
                                                ">": "&gt;",
                                                ">": "&gt;", 
                                                    "§": "&#xa7;",
                                                RssHtml = HTML


@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@

                                                        >Site Meta</span>
                                                        <ol class="footer-link-list" aria-labelledby="footer-label-site-details">
                                                            <li><a href="/list/website-sources-mirrors.html">Source Code</a></li>
                                                        <li><a href="https://steve0greatness.github.io/extras">Extras</a></li>
                                                        <li><a href="https://steve0greatness.atabook.org/">Guestbook</a></li>
                                                        <li><a href="/extras.html">Extras</a></li>
                                                        <li><a href="/guestbook.html">Guestbook</a></li>
                                                                <details class="inline-details">
                                                                    <summary>Compile Info</summary>