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Moved some posts to a new blog-archive(not currently accessible from the main site todo)

created on Monday, 15 January 2024, 07:36:50 (1705304210), received on Monday, 6 May 2024, 02:55:34 (1714964134)
Author identity: Steve0Greatness <75220768+Steve0Greatness@users.noreply.github.com>



@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

                                        title: Merging the Blog repo in the main one
                                        date: 2021 Sep 16
                                        removal-reason: Old/Outdated information
                                        The blog for the repository has recently been merged into the main one, it used to be it's own repository, but now it's part of <a href="https://github.com/steve0greatness/steve0greatness.github.io">this repo</a>.<br>I hope this change isn't horrible, I did it for the simple fact that it makes the whole site easier to make, just because of the fact that I don't need to make 2 repls that have the same look, and are for the same site.<br>The <a href="https://github.com/steve0greatness/blog">blog repo</a> is now read only, or archived, and has been unpinned from my <a href="https://github.com/steve0greatness">profile</a>. This shouldn't cause any slowdowns for the site.


@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

                                        title: What about the second site?
                                        date: 2021 Sep 01
                                        removal-reason: Old/Outdated information
                                        So you may know about <a href="https://stevesgreatness.repl.co">StevesGreatness.Repl.Co</a>, or, the second site.<br>It contains more than what this one does, but also less. It doesn't have a blog, information about my alts on Scratch, or even addition projects. However, it does have a page for testing, an about me, a list of my accounts on other sites, and a list of my repls(which I want to eventually turn into a list of my repos, and Scratch projects as well).


@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

                                        title: Blog Start
                                        date: 2023 Dec 29
                                        removal-reason: Test post
                                        Hello, World! Welcome to my epic cool blog hosted with GitHub pages, because I'm epic and cool and awesome and totally didn't need a first post so that git actually made sure an important directory exists. No sir.
                                        <!--this stuff should really just let me deploy my bloody stupid little site.-->


@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@

                                        title: Dividing by 0
                                        date: 2021 May 24
                                        removal-reason: Misinformation
                                        <div class="notice">This post isn't very good, and I'm not proud of it.</div><div class="notice">This post is not fact, the word problems are wrong, and it would never be x*0, rather, it would be 0*x</div>So, lets say you own a hotel(just go along with it).<p>You have 2 rooms, and 0 people, if each room gets an equal amount of people(not including decimals, you can't have half, or a quarter of a person without them being dead)<div>common sense would tell you that you need that there would be 0 people in each room, right? Wrong, and now ever mathematician in the world will hunt you down.</div>Wait, if that's not correct, what is the right answer? Thanks for asking... me. The answer is, infinity... but why?</p>Well, according to the mathematicians, it's because you can fit infinite 0s of people into 1 room.<div>It's weird... I know. So why don't we correct this? Because the mathematicians decided that x/0=infinity... and ifyou know one, you'd know that they don't really like to be corrected. But we can still correct, we just need to get the current mathematician out of their seats... hm...</div>


@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@

                                        title: MD now works here :)
                                        date: 2022 Jan 20
                                        removal-reason: Test post
                                        I'd just like to say that my blog now works with _mark down_. So that's cool.
                                        Incase you're wondering, I used a library called [marked.js](https://marked.js.org/)(a popular library used to convert `markdown` to `html`)


@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

                                        title: Merging the Blog repo in the main one
                                        date: 2021 Sep 16
                                        The blog for the repository has recently been merged into the main one, it used to be it's own repository, but now it's part of <a href="https://github.com/steve0greatness/steve0greatness.github.io">this repo</a>.<br>I hope this change isn't horrible, I did it for the simple fact that it makes the whole site easier to make, just because of the fact that I don't need to make 2 repls that have the same look, and are for the same site.<br>The <a href="https://github.com/steve0greatness/blog">blog repo</a> is now read only, or archived, and has been unpinned from my <a href="https://github.com/steve0greatness">profile</a>. This shouldn't cause any slowdowns for the site.


@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

                                        title: What about the second site?
                                        date: 2021 Sep 01
                                        So you may know about <a href="https://stevesgreatness.repl.co">StevesGreatness.Repl.Co</a>, or, the second site.<br>It contains more than what this one does, but also less. It doesn't have a blog, information about my alts on Scratch, or even addition projects. However, it does have a page for testing, an about me, a list of my accounts on other sites, and a list of my repls(which I want to eventually turn into a list of my repos, and Scratch projects as well).


@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@

                                        title: Blog Start
                                        date: 2023 Dec 29
                                        Hello, World! Welcome to my epic cool blog hosted with GitHub pages, because I'm epic and cool and awesome and totally didn't need a first post so that git actually made sure an important directory exists. No sir.
                                        <!--this stuff should really just let me deploy my bloody stupid little site.-->


@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@

                                        title: Dividing by 0
                                        date: 2021 May 24
                                        <div class="notice">This post isn't very good, and I'm not proud of it.</div><div class="notice">This post is not fact, the word problems are wrong, and it would never be x*0, rather, it would be 0*x</div>So, lets say you own a hotel(just go along with it).<p>You have 2 rooms, and 0 people, if each room gets an equal amount of people(not including decimals, you can't have half, or a quarter of a person without them being dead)<div>common sense would tell you that you need that there would be 0 people in each room, right? Wrong, and now ever mathematician in the world will hunt you down.</div>Wait, if that's not correct, what is the right answer? Thanks for asking... me. The answer is, infinity... but why?</p>Well, according to the mathematicians, it's because you can fit infinite 0s of people into 1 room.<div>It's weird... I know. So why don't we correct this? Because the mathematicians decided that x/0=infinity... and ifyou know one, you'd know that they don't really like to be corrected. But we can still correct, we just need to get the current mathematician out of their seats... hm...</div>


@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@

                                        title: MD now works here :)
                                        date: 2022 Jan 20
                                        I'd just like to say that my blog now works with _mark down_. So that's cool.
                                        Incase you're wondering, I used a library called [marked.js](https://marked.js.org/)(a popular library used to convert `markdown` to `html`)