HTML document, ASCII text
1{% extends "repo.html" %} 2 3{% set active_page = "log" %} 4 5{% block title %} 6{% trans message=data.message|split("\n\n")|first, username=username, repository=repository %}{{ basename }} in {{ username }}/{{ repository }}{% endtrans %} 7{% endblock %} 8{% block content %} 9<x-vbox> 10<x-frame style="--width: 896px;" class="flexible-space"> 11<x-vbox> 12<article> 13<h1>{{ data.message | split("\n\n", 1) | first | inline_markdown }}</h1> 14{{ data.message | split("\n\n", 1) | last | markdown }} 15</article> 16 17<p> 18<a href="/{{ data.owner_name }}">{{ data.owner_name }}</a>,<br> 19{% trans receive_date=data.receive_date.strftime('%A, %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S'), author_date=data.author_date.strftime("%A, %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S"), 20receive_unix=data.receive_date.timestamp() | int, author_unix=data.author_date.timestamp() | int 21%} 22created on {{ author_date }} ({{ author_unix }}), 23received on {{ receive_date }} ({{ receive_unix }}) 24{% endtrans %} 25<br> 26{% trans %}Author identity:{% endtrans %} <code>{{ data.owner_identity | harvester_protection | safe }}</code> 27</p> 28 29<code>{{ data.sha }}</code> 30 31<x-vbox> 32{% for file in diff %} 33<article class="card"> 34<section class="card-main"> 35<h2>{{ file }}</h2> 36{% set vars = namespace(original_line=0, modified_line=0, hunk_started=false) %} 37{% for line in diff[file] %} 38{% if line.startswith("@@") %} 39{% if vars.hunk_started %} 40</pre> <!-- close the previous pre block if this isn't the first hunk --> 41{% endif %} 42{% set vars.hunk_started = true %} 43{% set diff_location = line|parse_diff_location %} 44{% set vars.original_line = diff_location[0][0] %} 45{% set vars.modified_line = diff_location[1][0] %} 46<h3 class="diff-position">{{ line }}</h3> 47<pre class="code-view"> 48{% elif vars.hunk_started %} 49{% if line.startswith("+") %} 50<button class="line-number" data-file="{{ file }}" data-line="{{ vars.modified_line }}">{{ vars.modified_line }} +</button> 51<ins>{{ line[1:] }}</ins> 52{% set vars.modified_line = vars.modified_line + 1 %} 53{% elif line.startswith("-") %} 54<button class="line-number" data-file="{{ file }}" data-line="{{ vars.original_line }}">{{ vars.original_line }} -</button> 55<del>{{ line[1:] }}</del> 56{% set vars.original_line = vars.original_line + 1 %} 57{% elif not line.startswith("\\") %} 58{% if line %} 59<button class="line-number" data-file="{{ file }}" data-line="{{ vars.modified_line }}">{{ vars.modified_line }} </button> 60<x-codeline>{{ line[1:] }}</x-codeline> 61{% endif %} 62{% if not line.startswith("@@") %} 63{% set vars.original_line = vars.original_line + 1 %} 64{% set vars.modified_line = vars.modified_line + 1 %} 65{% endif %} 66{% endif %} 67{% endif %} 68{% for comment in comment_query.filter_by(commit=data, file=file, line_number=vars.original_line, state=1).all() %} 69<div class="comment"> 70<article> 71{{ comment.text | safe }} {# this was generated by the markdown parser which escapes HML #} 72</article> 73<small> 74{% trans %}by{% endtrans %} <a href="/{{ comment.owner_name }}">{{ comment.owner.username }}</a>, 75{{ | strftime('%A, %e %B %Y, %H:%M:%S') }} 76</small> 77<x-buttonbox> 78{% if == current_user or data.owner == current_user or permission_level >= 2 %} 79<form method="post" action="{{ repo_data.route }}/commit/{{ data.sha }}/resolve_comment/{{ comment.number }}"> 80<button type="submit"> 81Resolve 82</button> 83</form> 84<form method="post" action="{{ repo_data.route }}/commit/{{ data.sha }}/delete_comment/{{ comment.number }}"> 85<button type="submit" class="button-flat">Delete</button> 86</form> 87{% endif %} 88</x-buttonbox> 89</div> 90{% endfor %} 91{% if comment_query.filter_by(commit=data, file=file, line_number=vars.original_line, state=0).count() %} 92<details class="resolved-comments"> 93<summary>{% trans count=comment_query.filter_by(commit=data, file=file, line_number=vars.original_line, state=0).count() %}Resolved comments ({{ count }}){% endtrans %}</summary> 94{% for comment in comment_query.filter_by(commit=data, file=file, line_number=vars.original_line, state=0).all() %} 95<div class="comment"> 96{{ comment.text | safe }} {# this was generated by the markdown parser which escapes HML #} 97<x-buttonbox> 98{% if == current_user or data.owner == current_user or permission_level >= 2 %} 99<form method="post" action="{{ repo_data.route }}/commit/{{ data.sha }}/resolve_comment/{{ comment.number }}"> 100<button type="submit"> 101Un-resolve 102</button> 103</form> 104<form method="post" action="{{ repo_data.route }}/commit/{{ data.sha }}/delete_comment/{{ comment.number }}"> 105<button type="submit" class="button-flat">Delete</button> 106</form> 107{% endif %} 108</x-buttonbox> 109</div> 110{% endfor %} 111</details> 112{% endif %} 113{% endfor %} 114{% if vars.hunk_started %} 115</pre> {# close the last hunk #} 116{% endif %} 117</section> 118</article> 119{% endfor %} 120</x-vbox> 121</x-vbox> 122</x-frame> 123</x-vbox> 124<dialog id="add-comment-dialog"> 125<article class="card"> 126<header class="card-top"> 127<div class="navbar navbar-mini"> 128<ul> 129<li><h4>{% trans %}Add comment{% endtrans %}</h4></li> 130</ul> 131<x-buttonbox class="dialog-tools"> 132<button class="button-flat button-neutral big-button" type="submit" form="info-form"><iconify-icon icon="mdi:close"></iconify-icon></button> 133</x-buttonbox> 134</div> 135</header> 136<section class="card-main" style="padding-top: var(--padding-card-top);"> 137<form method="post" action="{{ repo_data.route }}/commit/{{ data.sha }}/add_comment"> 138<input type="hidden" name="file" value=""> 139<input type="hidden" name="line" value=""> 140<textarea name="comment" required></textarea> 141<button type="submit">Post</button> 142</form> 143</section> 144</article> 145</dialog> 146{% endblock %} 147{% block scripts %} 148<script> 149document.querySelectorAll(".line-number").forEach(function (element) { 150element.addEventListener("click", function () { 151let file = element.getAttribute("data-file"); 152let line = element.getAttribute("data-line"); 153let dialog = document.getElementById("add-comment-dialog"); 154dialog.querySelector("input[name=file]").value = file; 155dialog.querySelector("input[name=line]").value = line; 156dialog.showModal(); 157}); 158}); 159</script> 160{% endblock %} 161