ASCII text
1{% extends "repo.html" %} 2{% set active_page = "settings" %} 3 4{% block title %} 5{% trans username=username, repository=repository %}Settings of {{ username }}/{{ repository }}{% endtrans %} 6{% endblock %} 7{% block content %} 8<x-vbox> 9<x-frame style="--width: 896px;" class="flexible-space"> 10<x-vbox> 11<article class="card"> 12<section class="card-main vbox"> 13<form method="post" class="vbox"> 14<x-hbox> 15<label>{% trans %}Visibility:{% endtrans %}</label> 16<label> 17<input type="radio" name="visibility" value="2" {% if repo_data.visibility == 2 %}checked{% endif %}> 18{% trans %}Public{% endtrans %} 19</label> 20<label> 21<input type="radio" name="visibility" value="1" {% if repo_data.visibility == 1 %}checked{% endif %}> 22{% trans %}Unlisted{% endtrans %} 23</label> 24<label> 25<input type="radio" name="visibility" value="0" {% if repo_data.visibility == 0 %}checked{% endif %}> 26{% trans %}Private{% endtrans %} 27</label> 28</x-hbox> 29<label for="description"> 30{% trans %}Description{% endtrans %} 31<textarea id="description" name="description" rows="4">{% if %}{{ }}{% endif %}</textarea> 32</label> 33<label for="url"> 34{% trans %}Homepage{% endtrans %} 35<input id="url" name="url" type="url" value="{% if repo_data.url %}{{ repo_data.url }}{% endif %}"> 36</label> 37<label for="default-branch"> 38{% trans %}Default branch{% endtrans %} 39<select id="default-branch" name="default_branch"> 40{% for branch in branches %} 41<option value="{{ branch }}" {% if branch == repo_data.default_branch %}selected{% endif %}>{{ branch }}</option> 42{% endfor %} 43</select> 44{% trans %}This is the branch the application will redirect to automatically if one is not specified. 45Note that only branch names are supported, not other references like tags or commit hashes.{% endtrans %} 46</label> 47<label for="site-branch"> 48{% trans %}Site branch{% endtrans %} 49<select id="site-branch" name="site_branch"> 50<option value="">{% trans %}No sites{% endtrans %}</option> 51{% for branch in branches %} 52<option value="{{ branch }}" {% if branch == repo_data.site_branch %}selected{% endif %}>{{ branch }}</option> 53{% endfor %} 54</select> 55</label> 56<label> 57<input type="checkbox" name="primary_site" {% if repo_data.has_site == 2 %}checked{% endif %}> 58{% trans %}Make this the primary site{% endtrans %} 59</label> 60<p> 61{% trans link=site_link, primary_link=primary_site_link %} 62Host static sites for your projects, for free. The files in your site branch will be served at 63{{ site_link }} or {{ primary_site_link }} if you make this the primary site. 64{% endtrans %} 65</p> 66<p> 67{% trans %}Even if this repository is private, the site will not have access control.{% endtrans %} 68</p> 69<h3>{% trans %}Forum labels{% endtrans %}</h3> 70<ul> 71{% for label in repo_data.labels %} 72<li> 73{{ label }} 74</li> 75{% endfor %} 76</ul> 77<dialog id="add-label"> 78<article class="card"> 79<section class="card-main"> 80<form method="dialog" id="close-add-label"></form> 81<form method="POST" action="/{{ username }}/{{ repository }}/settings/add-label"> 82<x-vbox> 83<label> 84{% trans %}Label name{% endtrans %} 85<input type="text" name="label" required> 86{% trans %}Label colour{% endtrans %} 87<input type="color" name="colour" value="#009688"> 88</label> 89<x-buttonbox> 90<button type="submit">{% trans %}Add label{% endtrans %}</button> 91<button type="submit" form="close-add-label">{% trans %}Cancel{% endtrans %}</button> 92</x-buttonbox> 93</x-vbox> 94</form> 95</section> 96</article> 97</dialog> 98<button type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('add-label').showModal()">{% trans %}Add label{% endtrans %}</button> 99<button type="submit">{% trans %}Update{% endtrans %}</button> 100</form> 101{% if logged_in_user == username %} 102<form action="/{{ username }}/{{ repository }}/settings/delete" method="post" class="vbox"> 103<h2>{% trans %}Delete repository{% endtrans %}</h2> 104<p> 105{% trans %}Deleting a repository will permanently remove its git database, forum, settings and other associated data. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE IN ANY WAY!{% endtrans %} 106</p> 107<label> 108{% trans %}Account password{% endtrans %} 109<input type="password" name="password" placeholder="{% trans %}Write your password to confirm deletion{% endtrans %}" required> 110</label> 111<button type="submit">{% trans %}Delete repository{% endtrans %}</button> 112</form> 113{% endif %} 114</section> 115</article> 116</x-vbox> 117</x-frame> 118</x-vbox> 119{% endblock %} 120