{% trans %}Visibility:{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Public{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Unlisted{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Private{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Description{% endtrans %} {% if repo_data.info %}{{ repo_data.info }}{% endif %} {% trans %}Homepage{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Default branch{% endtrans %} {% for branch in branches %} {{ branch }} {% endfor %} {% trans %}This is the branch the application will redirect to automatically if one is not specified. Note that only branch names are supported, not other references like tags or commit hashes.{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Site branch{% endtrans %} {% trans %}No sites{% endtrans %} {% for branch in branches %} {{ branch }} {% endfor %} {% trans %}Make this the primary site{% endtrans %} {% trans link=site_link, primary_link=primary_site_link %} Host static sites for your projects, for free. The files in your site branch will be served at {{ site_link }} or {{ primary_site_link }} if you make this the primary site. {% endtrans %} {% trans %}Even if this repository is private, the site will not have access control.{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Update{% endtrans %} {% if logged_in_user == username %} {% trans %}Delete repository{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Deleting a repository will permanently remove its git database, forum, settings and other associated data. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE IN ANY WAY!{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Account password{% endtrans %} {% trans %}Delete repository{% endtrans %} {% endif %}