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Add repository deletion

created on Thursday, 11 July 2024, 10:17:26 (1720693046), received on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 06:54:50 (1722408890)
Author identity: vlad <>


@@ -1716,6 +1716,33 @@ def repository_settings_post(username, repository):

                                                return flask.redirect(f"/{username}/{repository}/settings", 303)
                                        @repositories.route("/<username>/<repository>/settings/delete", methods=["POST"])
                                        def repository_settings_delete(username, repository):
                                            if username != flask.session.get("username"):
                                            repo = db.session.get(Repo, f"/{username}/{repository}")
                                            if not repo:
                                            user = db.session.get(User, flask.session.get("username"))
                                            if not bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password_hashed, flask.request.form.get("password")):
                                                flask.flash(_("Incorrect password"), category="error")
                                            if repo.has_site:
                                            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(config.REPOS_PATH, username, repository))
                                            return flask.redirect(f"/{username}", 303)
                                            def e404(error):
                                                return flask.render_template("errors/not-found.html"), 404

@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ with (app.app_context()):

                                                    default_page_length = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=32, server_default="32")
                                                    max_post_nesting = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=3, server_default="3")
                                                repositories = db.relationship("Repo", back_populates="owner")
                                                repositories = db.relationship("Repo", back_populates="owner", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                    followers = db.relationship("UserFollow", back_populates="followed", foreign_keys="[UserFollow.followed_username]")
                                                    follows = db.relationship("UserFollow", back_populates="follower", foreign_keys="[UserFollow.follower_username]")
                                                    email_change_requests = db.relationship("EmailChangeRequest", back_populates="user")

@@ -165,13 +165,20 @@ with (app.app_context()):

                                                    default_branch = db.Column(db.String(64), nullable=True, default="")
                                                commits = db.relationship("Commit", back_populates="repo")
                                                posts = db.relationship("Post", back_populates="repo")
                                                comments = db.relationship("Comment", back_populates="repo")
                                                repo_access = db.relationship("RepoAccess", back_populates="repo")
                                                favourites = db.relationship("RepoFavourite", back_populates="repo")
                                                heads = db.relationship("PullRequest", back_populates="head", foreign_keys="[PullRequest.head_route]")
                                                bases = db.relationship("PullRequest", back_populates="base", foreign_keys="[PullRequest.base_route]")
                                                commits = db.relationship("Commit", back_populates="repo", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                posts = db.relationship("Post", back_populates="repo", cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                comments = db.relationship("Comment", back_populates="repo",
                                                                           cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                repo_access = db.relationship("RepoAccess", back_populates="repo",
                                                                              cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                favourites = db.relationship("RepoFavourite", back_populates="repo",
                                                                             cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                heads = db.relationship("PullRequest", back_populates="head",
                                                                        cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                bases = db.relationship("PullRequest", back_populates="base",
                                                                        cascade="all, delete-orphan")
                                                    has_site = db.Column(db.SmallInteger, nullable=False, default=0,         # 0 means no site, 1 means it's got a site, 2 means it's the user's primary site
                                                                         server_default="0")                                 # (the one accessible at username.localhost)


@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@

                                                    {% if logged_in_user %}
                                                        <a title="{% trans %}Mark as favourite{% endtrans %}" class="button" href="/{{ username }}/{{ repository }}/favourite">
                                                            {% if not is_favourite %}
                                                            {% trans %}Favourite{% endtrans %}
                                                            {% trans %}Add favourite{% endtrans %}
                                                            {% else %}
                                                                {% trans %}Remove favourite{% endtrans %}
                                                            {% endif %}


@@ -9,67 +9,78 @@

                                                <x-frame style="--width: 896px;" class="flexible-space">
                                                        <article class="card">
                                                        <section class="card-main">
                                                            <form method="post">
                                                                        <label>{% trans %}Visibility:{% endtrans %}</label>
                                                                            <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="2" {% if repo_data.visibility == 2 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                            {% trans %}Public{% endtrans %}
                                                                            <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="1" {% if repo_data.visibility == 1 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                            {% trans %}Unlisted{% endtrans %}
                                                                            <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="0" {% if repo_data.visibility == 0 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                            {% trans %}Private{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <label for="description">
                                                                        {% trans %}Description{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <textarea id="description" name="description" rows="4">{% if %}{{ }}{% endif %}</textarea>
                                                                    <label for="url">
                                                                        {% trans %}Homepage{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <input id="url" name="url" type="url" value="{% if repo_data.url %}{{ repo_data.url }}{% endif %}">
                                                                    <label for="default-branch">
                                                                        {% trans %}Default branch{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <select id="default-branch" name="default_branch">
                                                                            {% for branch in branches %}
                                                                                <option value="{{ branch }}" {% if branch == repo_data.default_branch %}selected{% endif %}>{{ branch }}</option>
                                                                            {% endfor %}
                                                                        {% trans %}This is the branch the application will redirect to automatically if one is not specified.
                                            Note that only branch names are supported, not other references like tags or commit hashes.{% endtrans %}
                                                        <section class="card-main vbox">
                                                            <form method="post" class="vbox">
                                                                    <label>{% trans %}Visibility:{% endtrans %}</label>
                                                                        <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="2" {% if repo_data.visibility == 2 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                        {% trans %}Public{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <label for="site-branch">
                                                                        {% trans %}Site branch{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <select id="site-branch" name="site_branch">
                                                                            <option value="">{% trans %}No sites{% endtrans %}</option>
                                                                            {% for branch in branches %}
                                                                                <option value="{{ branch }}" {% if branch == repo_data.site_branch %}selected{% endif %}>{{ branch }}</option>
                                                                            {% endfor %}
                                                                        <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="1" {% if repo_data.visibility == 1 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                        {% trans %}Unlisted{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <input type="checkbox" name="primary_site" {% if repo_data.has_site == 2 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                        {% trans %}Make this the primary site{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <input type="radio" name="visibility" value="0" {% if repo_data.visibility == 0 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                        {% trans %}Private{% endtrans %}
                                                                <label for="description">
                                                                    {% trans %}Description{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <textarea id="description" name="description" rows="4">{% if %}{{ }}{% endif %}</textarea>
                                                                <label for="url">
                                                                    {% trans %}Homepage{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <input id="url" name="url" type="url" value="{% if repo_data.url %}{{ repo_data.url }}{% endif %}">
                                                                <label for="default-branch">
                                                                    {% trans %}Default branch{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <select id="default-branch" name="default_branch">
                                                                        {% for branch in branches %}
                                                                            <option value="{{ branch }}" {% if branch == repo_data.default_branch %}selected{% endif %}>{{ branch }}</option>
                                                                        {% endfor %}
                                                                    {% trans %}This is the branch the application will redirect to automatically if one is not specified.
                                        Note that only branch names are supported, not other references like tags or commit hashes.{% endtrans %}
                                                                <label for="site-branch">
                                                                    {% trans %}Site branch{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <select id="site-branch" name="site_branch">
                                                                        <option value="">{% trans %}No sites{% endtrans %}</option>
                                                                        {% for branch in branches %}
                                                                            <option value="{{ branch }}" {% if branch == repo_data.site_branch %}selected{% endif %}>{{ branch }}</option>
                                                                        {% endfor %}
                                                                    <input type="checkbox" name="primary_site" {% if repo_data.has_site == 2 %}checked{% endif %}>
                                                                    {% trans %}Make this the primary site{% endtrans %}
                                                                    {% trans link=site_link, primary_link=primary_site_link %}
                                                                        Host static sites for your projects, for free. The files in your site branch will be served at
                                                                        {{ site_link }} or {{ primary_site_link }} if you make this the primary site.
                                                                    {% endtrans %}
                                                                    {% trans %}Even if this repository is private, the site will not have access control.{% endtrans %}
                                                                <button type="submit">{% trans %}Update{% endtrans %}</button>
                                                            {% if logged_in_user == username %}
                                                                <form action="/{{ username }}/{{ repository }}/settings/delete" method="post" class="vbox">
                                                                    <h2>{% trans %}Delete repository{% endtrans %}</h2>
                                                                        {% trans link=site_link, primary_link=primary_site_link %}
                                                                            Host static sites for your projects, for free. The files in your site branch will be served at
                                                                            {{ site_link }} or {{ primary_site_link }} if you make this the primary site.
                                                                        {% endtrans %}
                                                                        {% trans %}Even if this repository is private, the site will not have access control.{% endtrans %}
                                                                        {% trans %}Deleting a repository will permanently remove its git database, forum, settings and other associated data. THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE IN ANY WAY!{% endtrans %}
                                                                    <button type="submit">Update</button>
                                                                        {% trans %}Account password{% endtrans %}
                                                                        <input type="password" name="password" placeholder="{% trans %}Write your password to confirm deletion{% endtrans %}" required>
                                                                    <button type="submit">{% trans %}Delete repository{% endtrans %}</button>
                                                            {% endif %}