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Use new code view on file pages

created on Wednesday, 3 April 2024, 09:39:11 (1712137151), received on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 06:54:44 (1722408884)
Author identity: vlad <>



@@ -431,16 +431,16 @@ header {

                                                padding-top: 1ch;
                                        .code-view > .line-number:nth-last-child(2),
                                            .code-view > :is(code, ins, del, x-codeline):last-child {
                                                padding-bottom: 1ch;
                                            .line-number {
                                                display: inline-block;
                                            width: 8ch;
                                                box-sizing: content-box;
                                                text-align: right;
                                            padding-right: 1ch;
                                            padding: 0 1ch;
                                                background: var(--color-code-line-number);
                                                position: sticky;
                                                left: 0;


@@ -10,41 +10,6 @@

                                            {{ detailedtype }}
                                            .code-view {
                                                white-space: normal;
                                                padding: 0;
                                            .code-view::before {
                                                counter-reset: line-number;
                                            .code-view > code {
                                                white-space: pre-wrap;
                                                font: inherit;
                                                color: inherit;
                                                background: inherit;
                                                display: block;
                                                padding: 0;
                                                margin: 0;
                                                counter-increment: line-number;
                                            .code-view > code::before {
                                                display: inline-block;
                                                width: var(--line-chars) * 1ch;
                                                background: var(--color-callout);
                                                content: counter(line-number);
                                                padding: 0 1ch;
                                                text-align: end;
                                                margin-right: 1ch;
                                            .code-view > code:first-child::before {
                                                padding-top: 1em;
                                            .code-view > code:last-child::before {
                                                padding-bottom: 1em;
                                            {% if (mode == "text" and extension == ".md") or mimetype == "text/markdown" %}
                                                    <label><input type="radio" name="tabs-example" checked>Rendered</label>

@@ -59,7 +24,8 @@

                                                        <pre class="code-view" style="--line-chars: {{ contents | split('\n') | length | string | length }}">
                                                            {% for i in contents | split("\n") %}
                                                            <code>{{ i }}</code>
                                                            <div class="line-number">{{ loop.index0 + 1 }}</div>
                                                            <x-codeline>{{ i }}</x-codeline>
                                                            {% endfor %}


@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@

                                                                <pre class="code-view">
                                                            {% elif vars.hunk_started %}
                                                                {% if line.startswith("+") %}
                                                                <span class="line-number">{{ vars.modified_line }} +</span>
                                                                <span class="line-number">{{ vars.modified_line }}&nbsp;+</span>
                                                                    <ins>{{ line[1:] }}</ins>
                                                                    {% set vars.modified_line = vars.modified_line + 1 %}
                                                                {% elif line.startswith("-") %}
                                                                <span class="line-number">{{ vars.original_line }} -</span>
                                                                <span class="line-number">{{ vars.original_line }}&nbsp;-</span>
                                                                    <del>{{ line[1:] }}</del>
                                                                    {% set vars.original_line = vars.original_line + 1 %}
                                                                {% elif not line.startswith("\\") %}