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Fix merging

created on Friday, 26 April 2024, 12:49:49 (1714135789), received on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 06:54:46 (1722408886)
Author identity: vlad <>


@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ from flask_migrate import Migrate

                                            from PIL import Image
                                            from flask_httpauth import HTTPBasicAuth
                                            import config
                                        from common import git_command
                                            from flask_babel import Babel, gettext, ngettext, force_locale
                                            _ = gettext

@@ -1418,7 +1419,9 @@ def repository_prs_merge_stage_two(username, repository, id):

                                            def task_monitor(task_id):
                                                task_result = worker.AsyncResult(task_id)
                                            if task_result.status == "FAILURE":
                                                app.logger.error(f"Task {task_id} failed")
                                                return flask.render_template("task-monitor.html", result=task_result), 500
                                                return flask.render_template("task-monitor.html", result=task_result)

@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@

                                        import common
                                            import time
                                            import os
                                            import config
                                            import email_send
                                            from celery import shared_task
                                            from app import db
                                        from misc_utils import *
                                        from models import *
                                            from smtplib import SMTP
                                            from celery.utils.log import get_task_logger
                                            def send_notification(user_notification_id):
                                            from models import UserNotification
                                                user_notification = db.session.get(UserNotification, user_notification_id)
                                                user = user_notification.user
                                                notification = user_notification.notification

@@ -33,52 +33,53 @@ def send_notification(user_notification_id):

                                            def merge_heads(head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, simulate=True):
                                            from models import Repo
                                                server_repo_location = os.path.join(config.REPOS_PATH, base_route.lstrip("/"))
                                                if not os.path.isdir(server_repo_location):
                                                    raise FileNotFoundError(f"Repo {server_repo_location} not found, cannot merge.")
                                                if base_route == head_route:
                                                git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "checkout", f"{base_branch}")
                                                common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "checkout", f"{base_branch}")
                                                    if simulate:
                                                    out, err, merge_exit = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--no-commit", "--no-ff", f"heads/{head_branch}",
                                                                                       return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                    out, err, merge_exit = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--no-commit", "--no-ff", f"heads/{head_branch}",
                                                                                              return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                        # Undo the merge.
                                                    git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--abort")
                                                    common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--abort")
                                                    out, err, merge_exit = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", f"heads/{head_branch}",
                                                                                       return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                    out, err, merge_exit = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", f"heads/{head_branch}",
                                                                                              return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                    return "merge_simulator" if simulate else "merge", out, err, head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, merge_exit
                                                remote_url = os.path.join(config.BASE_DOMAIN, "git", base_route.lstrip("/"))
                                                out, err = b"", b""
                                            part_out, part_err = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "add", "NEW", remote_url, return_err=True)
                                            part_out, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "add", "NEW", remote_url, return_err=True)
                                                out += part_out
                                                err += part_err
                                            part_out, part_err = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "update", return_err=True)
                                            part_out, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "update", return_err=True)
                                                out += part_out
                                                err += part_err
                                            part_out, part_err = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "checkout", f"{base_branch}", return_err=True)
                                            part_out, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "checkout", f"{base_branch}", return_err=True)
                                                out += part_out
                                                err += part_err
                                                if simulate:
                                                part_out, part_err, merge_exit = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--allow-unrelated-histories",
                                                                                             "--no-commit", "--no-ff", f"NEW/{head_branch}", return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                part_out, part_err, merge_exit = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--allow-unrelated-histories",
                                                                                                    "--no-commit", "--no-ff", f"NEW/{head_branch}", return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                part_out, part_err, merge_exit = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--allow-unrelated-histories",
                                                                                             f"NEW/{head_branch}", return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                                part_out, part_err, merge_exit = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--allow-unrelated-histories",
                                                                                                    f"NEW/{head_branch}", return_err=True, return_exit=True)
                                            diff, diff_exit = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "diff", "--check", return_exit=True)
                                            diff, diff_exit = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "diff", "--check", return_exit=True)
                                                out += part_out
                                                err += part_err
                                            part_out, part_err = git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "rm", "NEW", return_err=True)
                                            part_out, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "rm", "NEW", return_err=True)
                                                out += part_out
                                                err += part_err
                                                if simulate:
                                                    # Undo the merge.
                                                git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--abort")
                                                common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "merge", "--abort")
                                                return "merge_simulator" if simulate else "merge", out, err, head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, merge_exit

@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@

                                        import os
                                        import subprocess
                                        def git_command(repo, data, *args, return_err=False, return_exit=False):
                                            if not os.path.isdir(repo):
                                                raise FileNotFoundError(f"Repo {repo} not found")
                                            env = os.environ.copy()
                                            command = ["git", *args]
                                            proc = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(command), cwd=repo, env=env, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                                            if data:
                                            out, err = proc.communicate()
                                            exit_code = proc.returncode
                                            result = (out,)
                                            if return_err:
                                                result = result + (err,)
                                            if return_exit:
                                                result = result + (exit_code,)
                                            return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result

@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import uuid

                                            from models import *
                                            from app import app, db, bcrypt
                                            from misc_utils import *
                                        from common import git_command
                                            import os
                                            import shutil
                                            import config

@@ -1,35 +1,14 @@

                                        from common import *
                                        __all__ = ["git_command", "only_chars", "get_permission_level", "get_visibility", "get_favourite", "human_size",
                                                   "guess_mime", "convert_to_html", "js_to_bool",]
                                            import subprocess
                                            import os
                                            import magic
                                            from models import *
                                        def git_command(repo, data, *args, return_err=False, return_exit=False):
                                            if not os.path.isdir(repo):
                                                raise FileNotFoundError(f"Repo {repo} not found")
                                            env = os.environ.copy()
                                            command = ["git", *args]
                                            proc = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(command), cwd=repo, env=env, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                                            if data:
                                            out, err = proc.communicate()
                                            exit_code = proc.returncode
                                            result = (out,)
                                            if return_err:
                                                result = result + (err,)
                                            if return_exit:
                                                result = result + (exit_code,)
                                            return result[0] if len(result) == 1 else result
                                            def only_chars(string, chars):
                                                chars = set(chars)
                                                all_chars = set(string)

@@ -1,17 +1,3 @@

                                        import subprocess
                                        from app import app, db, bcrypt
                                        import git
                                        from datetime import datetime
                                        from enum import Enum
                                        from PIL import Image
                                        from cairosvg import svg2png
                                        import os
                                        import config
                                        import cairosvg
                                        import random
                                        import celery_tasks
                                            __all__ = [

@@ -26,6 +12,19 @@ __all__ = [

                                        import subprocess
                                        from app import app, db, bcrypt
                                        import git
                                        from datetime import datetime
                                        from enum import Enum
                                        from PIL import Image
                                        from cairosvg import svg2png
                                        import os
                                        import config
                                        import cairosvg
                                        import random
                                        import celery_tasks
                                            with (app.app_context()):
                                                class RepoAccess(db.Model):
                                                    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)