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Remove raw file pages from unlisted repositories from search results

created on Monday, 29 July 2024, 11:07:38 (1722251258), received on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 06:54:52 (1722408892)
Author identity: vlad <>


@@ -661,9 +661,14 @@ def repository_raw(username, repository, branch, subpath):

                                                except git.exc.GitCommandError:
                                                    return flask.render_template("errors/not-found.html"), 404
                                            return flask.send_from_directory(config.REPOS_PATH,
                                            response = flask.send_from_directory(config.REPOS_PATH,
                                                                                 os.path.join(username, repository, subpath))
                                            if repo_data.visibility < 2:
                                                response.headers["X-Robots-Tag"] = "noindex"
                                            return response
                                            @repositories.route("/<username>/<repository>/tree/", defaults={"branch": None, "subpath": ""})
                                            @repositories.route("/<username>/<repository>/tree/<branch>/", defaults={"subpath": ""})