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Finally fix inter-repo merging

created on Tuesday, 4 June 2024, 16:38:29 (1717519109), received on Wednesday, 31 July 2024, 06:54:49 (1722408889)
Author identity: vlad <>


@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def merge_heads(head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, simulate=True)

                                                    return "merge_simulator" if simulate else "merge", out, err, head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, merge_exit, new_commits
                                                # Otherwise, we need to fetch the head repo.
                                            remote_url = "https://" if config.suggest_https else "http://" + os.path.join(config.BASE_DOMAIN + f":{config.port}" if config.port not in {80, 443} else "", "git", base_route.lstrip("/"))
                                            remote_url = "https://" if config.suggest_https else "http://" + os.path.join(config.BASE_DOMAIN + f":{config.port}" if config.port not in {80, 443} else "", "git", head_route.lstrip("/"))
                                                out, err = b"", b""
                                                part_out, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "remote", "add", "NEW", remote_url, return_err=True)

@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ def merge_heads(head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, simulate=True)

                                                part_out, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "checkout", f"{base_branch}", return_err=True)
                                                out += part_out
                                                err += part_err
                                            new_commits, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "log", "--oneline", f"heads/{base_branch}..NEW/{head_branch}", "--", return_err=True)
                                            new_commits, part_err = common.git_command(server_repo_location, b"", "log", "--pretty=format:\"%H\"", f"heads/{base_branch}..NEW/{head_branch}", "--", return_err=True)
                                            new_commits = new_commits.decode().splitlines()
                                                err += part_err
                                                if simulate:

@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def merge_heads(head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, simulate=True)

                                                    # Copy the commits rows from the head repo to the base repo
                                                    for commit in new_commits:
                                                    commit_data = Commit.query.filter_by(repo_name=head_route, sha=commit.split())
                                                    commit_data = Commit.query.filter_by(repo_name=head_route, sha=commit).first()

@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ def merge_heads(head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, simulate=True)

                                                        commit_data.receive_date =
                                                return "merge_simulator" if simulate else "merge", out, err, head_route, head_branch, base_route, base_branch, merge_exit, new_commits

@@ -9,6 +9,11 @@ def split(value: str, separator=" ", maxsplit: int = -1):

                                                return value.split(separator, maxsplit)
                                        def splitlines(value: str, keepends: bool = False):
                                            return value.splitlines(keepends=keepends)
                                            def lstrip(value: str, characters=None):
                                                return value.lstrip(characters)


@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@

                                                            <iconify-icon icon="mdi:check" style="font-size: 2em; color: var(--color-success);"></iconify-icon>
                                                            {% trans %}Done{% endtrans %}
                                                        {% else %}
                                                        <iconify-icon icon="material-symbols:autorenew" style="animation: rotate 1000ms linear infinite; font-size: 2em; color: var(--color-info);"></iconify-icon>
                                                        <iconify-icon icon="material-symbols:autorenew" style="animation: rotate 750ms linear infinite; font-size: 2em; color: var(--color-info);"></iconify-icon>
                                                            {% trans %}Running...{% endtrans %}
                                                        {% endif %}

@@ -61,10 +61,6 @@

                                                            {% endif %}
                                                        {% else %}
                                                            <h2>{% trans %}Merge simulation went well; continue?{% endtrans %}</h2>
                                                            {% trans num_commits=result.get()[8]|length %}{{ num_commits }} commits will be added.{% endtrans %}
                                                        <pre>{{ result.get()[8] | decode }}</pre>
                                                            <a href="{{ result.get()[5] }}/prs/{{ request.args.get('pr-id') }}/merge" class="button">{% trans %}Merge{% endtrans %}</a>
                                                        {% endif %}
                                                    {% endif %}