List of themes made for the Roundabout software

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Updated install instructions to be more comprehensive

Before, the install instructions didn't really tell you 100% of what you needed.

created on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 04:59:33 (1715662773), received on Tuesday, 14 May 2024, 05:04:09 (1715663049)
Author identity: Steve0Greatness <>



@@ -19,10 +19,46 @@

                                                <h1>Installing a Theme</h1>
                                                <li>Clone your .config repository.</li>
                                                <li>Create a <code>theme.css</code>.</li>
                                                <li>Use <code>git add .</code> and then <code>git commit -m "Add theme.css"</code> and ending with <code>git push</code></li>
                                                <li>If prompted, log into your Roundabout account.</li>
                                                    Go to your round about <code>.config</code> repository.
                                                        <li>This is usually private, and only accessable to you.</li>
                                                        <li>It's usually located at <code>&lt;username&gt;/.config</code>.</li>
                                                    Clone it onto your local system using Git, and <code>cd</code> into it.
                                                        <li>The command to clone the repo is <code>git clone &lt;remote url&gt;</code>.</li>
                                                            You can find the remote URL for your repository in the "Information" button.
                                                            Once clicked, a popup will appear and a textbox labled "Clone over HTTP" will
                                                            be in that popup. The URL in there is your remote URL.
                                                        <li><code>cd</code> changes your working directory.</li>
                                                        <li>The directory your cloned repo should be in is <code>.config</code></li>
                                                    Copy the Theme CSS of your chosen them into a file named <code>theme.css</code> within this directory.
                                                        <li>The Theme CSS can be found by clicking "Theme CSS" link under the theme you chose.</li>
                                                    Commit back to your <code>.config</code> repository with the new file.
                                                            You can do <code>git add .</code>,
                                                            <code>git commit -m "Added theme.css"</code>, then
                                                            <code>git push</code>.
                                                    Congratulations, you can now go to your chosen instance of Roundabout with your
                                                    new theme installed!