Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Welcome to my new website! I've moved from GitHub to a git software I've developed, a roundabout. To go along with this move, I also made a new website, which is powered by a custom static site generator called Ampoule. This will be the generator I will use to write the documentation for all my projects, including the roundabout itself.
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
Linux isn't very Unix-like by itself. Of course, it's a Unix-like kernel, and it does Unix-compatible file operations, process management, and system calls, but without the GNU suite or some other userland, it is just a kernel which doesn't have to be used as a Unix-like one.
Welcome to my new website! I've moved from GitHub to a git software I've developed, a roundabout. To go along with this move, I also made a new website, which is powered by a custom static site generator called Ampoule. This will be the generator I will use to write the documentation for all my projects, including the roundabout itself.
Just like the original Wordle, you have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries and it tells you how many letters are correct and in the right position, how many are correct but in the wrong position, and how many are not in the word at all. The only difference is that this one is played in the terminal. It's a great SSH toy for when you're bored.
Ooh, shiny! Chrome is now forcing me to view my bookmarks in a ✨side panel✨! It's not like we have windowing environments for that, right? Doesn't matter, it's modern, new so it's cool and automatically better even though it sucks!
Ooh, shiny! Chrome is now forcing me to view my bookmarks in a ✨side panel✨! It's not like we have windowing environments for that, right? Doesn't matter, it's modern, new so it's cool and automatically better even though it sucks!
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
You probably wrote something like this at least once in your life:
<div class="card card--rounded card--primary"> <div class="card__image-container"> <img src="image.jpg" alt="A nice image" class="card__image"> <span class="card__image-caption">A nice image</span> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__header"> <div class="card__title">Hello, world!</div> </div> <p class="card__text"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> </div> <div class="card__footer"> <button class="btn btn--primary btn--raised btn--accent card__button card__button--primary">Click me!</button> <button class="btn btn--secondary btn--raised btn--accent card__button card__button--secondary">Click me!</button> </div> </div>
Or this:
<div class="max-w-sm rounded overflow-hidden shadow-lg"> <div> <img class="w-full" src="image.jpg" alt="A nice image"> <span class="text-gray-500 text-base">A nice image</span> </div> <div class="px-6 py-4"> <div> <div class="font-bold text-xl mb-2">Hello, world!</div> </div> <p class="text-gray-700 text-base"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> </div> <div class="px-6 py-4"> <button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">Click me!</button> <button class="bg-transparent hover:bg-blue-500 text-blue-700 font-semibold hover:text-white py-2 px-4 border border-blue-500 hover:border-transparent rounded">Click me!</button> </div> </div>
I've seen Modern Font Stacks. I agree that there are many cases where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux devices.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
I've seen Modern Font Stacks. I agree that there are many cases where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux devices.
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
I've seen Modern Font Stacks. I agree that there are many cases where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux devices.
I see this so often and it's so wrong. That if you know GNU/Linux, you must switch to Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, OpenSUSE or at least Debian. That if you use Mint or Ubuntu, you're not a real GNU/Linux user.
Linux isn't very Unix-like by itself. Of course, it's a Unix-like kernel, and it does Unix-compatible file operations, process management, and system calls, but without the GNU suite or some other userland, it is just a kernel which doesn't have to be used as a Unix-like one.
Just like the original Wordle, you have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries and it tells you how many letters are correct and in the right position, how many are correct but in the wrong position, and how many are not in the word at all. The only difference is that this one is played in the terminal. It's a great SSH toy for when you're bored.
Just like the original Wordle, you have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries and it tells you how many letters are correct and in the right position, how many are correct but in the wrong position, and how many are not in the word at all. The only difference is that this one is played in the terminal. It's a great SSH toy for when you're bored.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
This is a very simple, cheap and quick way to get networked storage at home. It should not cost more than €120 for all the components (assuming you've got a network you can plug it into). It also offers more flexibility than a commercial NAS, because you can install any software you want on it. And if you already use the Raspberry Pi for something else, you can just add this to it and not worry about an extra device you need power, networking, space and maintenance for.
I see this so often and it's so wrong. That if you know GNU/Linux, you must switch to Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, OpenSUSE or at least Debian. That if you use Mint or Ubuntu, you're not a real GNU/Linux user.
Linux isn't very Unix-like by itself. Of course, it's a Unix-like kernel, and it does Unix-compatible file operations, process management, and system calls, but without the GNU suite or some other userland, it is just a kernel which doesn't have to be used as a Unix-like one.
Interestingly, the best GNU/Linux tablet is actually made by Microsoft. The Surface Go (first generation) is a tablet released in 2018. The performance is nothing amazing, but unlike most tablets, you can actually make use of the performance it does have; it doesn't feel slow for normal tablet tasks either. Besides that, it has a 10" screen, front and back cameras, a kickstand, stylus support and a detachable keyboard — but the latter two are sold separately.
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
This is a very simple, cheap and quick way to get networked storage at home. It should not cost more than €120 for all the components (assuming you've got a network you can plug it into). It also offers more flexibility than a commercial NAS, because you can install any software you want on it. And if you already use the Raspberry Pi for something else, you can just add this to it and not worry about an extra device you need power, networking, space and maintenance for.
You probably wrote something like this at least once in your life:
<div class="card card--rounded card--primary"> <div class="card__image-container"> <img src="image.jpg" alt="A nice image" class="card__image"> <span class="card__image-caption">A nice image</span> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__header"> <div class="card__title">Hello, world!</div> </div> <p class="card__text"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> </div> <div class="card__footer"> <button class="btn btn--primary btn--raised btn--accent card__button card__button--primary">Click me!</button> <button class="btn btn--secondary btn--raised btn--accent card__button card__button--secondary">Click me!</button> </div> </div>
Or this:
<div class="max-w-sm rounded overflow-hidden shadow-lg"> <div> <img class="w-full" src="image.jpg" alt="A nice image"> <span class="text-gray-500 text-base">A nice image</span> </div> <div class="px-6 py-4"> <div> <div class="font-bold text-xl mb-2">Hello, world!</div> </div> <p class="text-gray-700 text-base"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> </div> <div class="px-6 py-4"> <button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">Click me!</button> <button class="bg-transparent hover:bg-blue-500 text-blue-700 font-semibold hover:text-white py-2 px-4 border border-blue-500 hover:border-transparent rounded">Click me!</button> </div> </div>
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
I see this so often and it's so wrong. That if you know GNU/Linux, you must switch to Arch, Gentoo, Fedora, OpenSUSE or at least Debian. That if you use Mint or Ubuntu, you're not a real GNU/Linux user.
Linux isn't very Unix-like by itself. Of course, it's a Unix-like kernel, and it does Unix-compatible file operations, process management, and system calls, but without the GNU suite or some other userland, it is just a kernel which doesn't have to be used as a Unix-like one.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Interestingly, the best GNU/Linux tablet is actually made by Microsoft. The Surface Go (first generation) is a tablet released in 2018. The performance is nothing amazing, but unlike most tablets, you can actually make use of the performance it does have; it doesn't feel slow for normal tablet tasks either. Besides that, it has a 10" screen, front and back cameras, a kickstand, stylus support and a detachable keyboard — but the latter two are sold separately.
This is a very simple, cheap and quick way to get networked storage at home. It should not cost more than €120 for all the components (assuming you've got a network you can plug it into). It also offers more flexibility than a commercial NAS, because you can install any software you want on it. And if you already use the Raspberry Pi for something else, you can just add this to it and not worry about an extra device you need power, networking, space and maintenance for.
This is a very simple, cheap and quick way to get networked storage at home. It should not cost more than €120 for all the components (assuming you've got a network you can plug it into). It also offers more flexibility than a commercial NAS, because you can install any software you want on it. And if you already use the Raspberry Pi for something else, you can just add this to it and not worry about an extra device you need power, networking, space and maintenance for.
Ooh, shiny! Chrome is now forcing me to view my bookmarks in a ✨side panel✨! It's not like we have windowing environments for that, right? Doesn't matter, it's modern, new so it's cool and automatically better even though it sucks!
Welcome to! Before using our services, please take a moment to review these important policies.
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Just like the original Wordle, you have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries and it tells you how many letters are correct and in the right position, how many are correct but in the wrong position, and how many are not in the word at all. The only difference is that this one is played in the terminal. It's a great SSH toy for when you're bored.
Ooh, shiny! Chrome is now forcing me to view my bookmarks in a ✨side panel✨! It's not like we have windowing environments for that, right? Doesn't matter, it's modern, new so it's cool and automatically better even though it sucks!
This is a very simple, cheap and quick way to get networked storage at home. It should not cost more than €120 for all the components (assuming you've got a network you can plug it into). It also offers more flexibility than a commercial NAS, because you can install any software you want on it. And if you already use the Raspberry Pi for something else, you can just add this to it and not worry about an extra device you need power, networking, space and maintenance for.
Welcome to my new website! I've moved from GitHub to a git software I've developed, a roundabout. To go along with this move, I also made a new website, which is powered by a custom static site generator called Ampoule. This will be the generator I will use to write the documentation for all my projects, including the roundabout itself.
Welcome to! Before using our services, please take a moment to review these important policies.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
Welcome to my new website! I've moved from GitHub to a git software I've developed, a roundabout. To go along with this move, I also made a new website, which is powered by a custom static site generator called Ampoule. This will be the generator I will use to write the documentation for all my projects, including the roundabout itself.
Welcome to! Before using our services, please take a moment to review these important policies.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
This is a very simple, cheap and quick way to get networked storage at home. It should not cost more than €120 for all the components (assuming you've got a network you can plug it into). It also offers more flexibility than a commercial NAS, because you can install any software you want on it. And if you already use the Raspberry Pi for something else, you can just add this to it and not worry about an extra device you need power, networking, space and maintenance for.
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
Interestingly, the best GNU/Linux tablet is actually made by Microsoft. The Surface Go (first generation) is a tablet released in 2018. The performance is nothing amazing, but unlike most tablets, you can actually make use of the performance it does have; it doesn't feel slow for normal tablet tasks either. Besides that, it has a 10" screen, front and back cameras, a kickstand, stylus support and a detachable keyboard — but the latter two are sold separately.
Interestingly, the best GNU/Linux tablet is actually made by Microsoft. The Surface Go (first generation) is a tablet released in 2018. The performance is nothing amazing, but unlike most tablets, you can actually make use of the performance it does have; it doesn't feel slow for normal tablet tasks either. Besides that, it has a 10" screen, front and back cameras, a kickstand, stylus support and a detachable keyboard — but the latter two are sold separately.
Just like the original Wordle, you have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries and it tells you how many letters are correct and in the right position, how many are correct but in the wrong position, and how many are not in the word at all. The only difference is that this one is played in the terminal. It's a great SSH toy for when you're bored.
Just like the original Wordle, you have to guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries and it tells you how many letters are correct and in the right position, how many are correct but in the wrong position, and how many are not in the word at all. The only difference is that this one is played in the terminal. It's a great SSH toy for when you're bored.
Welcome to! Before using our services, please take a moment to review these important policies.
I've seen Modern Font Stacks. I agree that there are many cases where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux devices.
Ooh, shiny! Chrome is now forcing me to view my bookmarks in a ✨side panel✨! It's not like we have windowing environments for that, right? Doesn't matter, it's modern, new so it's cool and automatically better even though it sucks!
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste:
You probably wrote something like this at least once in your life:
<div class="card card--rounded card--primary"> <div class="card__image-container"> <img src="image.jpg" alt="A nice image" class="card__image"> <span class="card__image-caption">A nice image</span> </div> <div class="card__content"> <div class="card__header"> <div class="card__title">Hello, world!</div> </div> <p class="card__text"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> </div> <div class="card__footer"> <button class="btn btn--primary btn--raised btn--accent card__button card__button--primary">Click me!</button> <button class="btn btn--secondary btn--raised btn--accent card__button card__button--secondary">Click me!</button> </div> </div>
Or this:
<div class="max-w-sm rounded overflow-hidden shadow-lg"> <div> <img class="w-full" src="image.jpg" alt="A nice image"> <span class="text-gray-500 text-base">A nice image</span> </div> <div class="px-6 py-4"> <div> <div class="font-bold text-xl mb-2">Hello, world!</div> </div> <p class="text-gray-700 text-base"> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p> </div> <div class="px-6 py-4"> <button class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">Click me!</button> <button class="bg-transparent hover:bg-blue-500 text-blue-700 font-semibold hover:text-white py-2 px-4 border border-blue-500 hover:border-transparent rounded">Click me!</button> </div> </div>
Ooh, shiny! Chrome is now forcing me to view my bookmarks in a ✨side panel✨! It's not like we have windowing environments for that, right? Doesn't matter, it's modern, new so it's cool and automatically better even though it sucks!
I've seen Modern Font Stacks. I agree that there are many cases where system fonts are fine, but the stacks there have some problems, especially with GNU/Linux devices.
Ampoule is a lightweight, simple yet flexible, static site generator written in Python. It uses Jinja2 for templating. This site was generated using Ampoule.
Echo is a very basic status tracker for web endpoints. I don't recommend you use it. It was made for a programming competition (hackathon) organised by the Automation and Computing faculty of the Politehnica University of Timișoara, in 3 days, alone. I decided to publish it because it might be useful for someone and doesn't hurt me to have it online, and the contest encourages publishing the works.
Gigadata is an image dataset collection and annotation platform. It allows anyone to easily contribute to the dataset by uploading images and annotating objects, and to use the dataset for training machine learning models.
The roundabout is a git repository hosting server software. It is designed to be a complete alternative to GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Gogs/Gitea/Forgejo, and other similar services. It is still in development and not yet ready for production use. As of version 0.3.0 development stage, it supports:
An YOLO model specifically trained to detect waste in images. We collected a custom dataset of waste, classified and annotated it, and trained the model using YOLOv8 on Keras. The model is able to detect the position and class of waste in images. It can separate the following classes of waste: