created on Saturday, 4 January 2025, 09:14:47 (1735982087),
received on Saturday, 4 January 2025, 09:14:50 (1735982090)
Author identity: vlad <>
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{% block content %} <h1>About me</h1> <p> I'm a student from Timișoara, Romania, interested in programming and computers in general. </p> <p> I use <b>GNU/Linux Mint</b> on all 3 of my computers. I like it because it's easy to use but without compromising on customisation, and that the developers are very engaged with the community (I've even had a conversation with Clement Lefebvre, the lead developer of Linux Mint; can you have one with Tim Cook, Pavan Davuluri, or even Mark Shuttleworth?). </p> <p> I do disagree with some of the decisions made by the Linux Mint team, and I'm probably going to make my own Debian Testing-based distribution in the future, but that's only because of other reasons, I would still be happy to use Linux Mint. </p> <p> I believe GNU/Linux only lacks the promotion it deserves. Unless it gets some promotion (think advertising, pre-installation on computers etc.), even from a specific distributor, or a miracle happens, the paradox will remain: people don't use GNU/Linux because it doesn't have enough software, and software developers don't make software for it because it's not popular enough. </p> <p> I prefer using libre software <i>when practical</i> (so phones are an exception, because there's no libre phone that's at a decent price with decent hardware; I still want a libre phone so much, but wasting 1 year to get GNU/Linux on a 4-year-old phone isn't OK for me). </p> <p> I don't want a GNU/Linux phone for privacy or any specific feature; I want it because I want to have control over my phone and do anything the hardware is capable of. Androids aren't smartphones, they're Java phones that happen to use the Linux kernel. </p> <p> I do web development, the old-school way, with Flask, Jinja2, HTML, plain CSS and JS. I don't do SPAs because you have to duplicate your logic, and also reimplement the browser's features. I hate the trend of everything being a SPA, including static sites, e-commerce, blogs, GitHub, and more. I have no plans to learn React, Angular, Vue, or Svelte. Also, I don't design UIs with Figma or similar tools, I just write an initial version in code and iterate on it. </p> <p> It's fine that SPAs exist, but they should only be used when building something like Google Maps, Google Sheets, games or other things that update a lot. </p> <p> I do enjoy using htmx for AJAX-like updates, I write my own JS when I really need it, and I like using WebAssembly with MicroPython for interactive features. MicroPython loads in less than 500ms, even on Androids. </p> <p> Besides web development, I do other things in Python. I write GTK apps for the GNU/Linux desktop (not GNOME), small CLI tools and I train AIs for image recognition. I'm also trying to get into game development. </p> <p> I also do C++, mainly for competitive programming (in the Romanian Olympiad of Informatics, only C/C++ is allowed), and I'm trying to expand my knowledge of C++ to GTK and make my own interpreter for an object-oriented language. </p> <p> I haven't tried Rust and Go, and I have no plans to learn them. OO (the Python and Smalltalk way, not the forced Java way) makes a lot of sense to me and I don't understand changing it for the sake of change. </p> <p> I'm also interested in electronics and robotics, but I don't have the time and money to get into them.</p> <h2>Links</h2> <ul>