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created on Saturday, 4 January 2025, 09:14:47 (1735982087), received on Saturday, 4 January 2025, 09:14:50 (1735982090)
Author identity: vlad <>



@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

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@@ -382,9 +398,10 @@

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@@ -5,7 +5,73 @@

                                            {% block content %}
                                                <h1>About me</h1>
                                                I'm a student from Timișoara, Romania, interested in programming and computers in
                                                I use <b>GNU/Linux Mint</b> on all 3 of my computers. I like it because it's easy to use but
                                                without compromising on customisation, and that the developers are very engaged with the
                                                community (I've even had a conversation with Clement Lefebvre, the lead developer of
                                                Linux Mint; can you have one with Tim Cook, Pavan Davuluri, or even Mark Shuttleworth?).
                                                I do disagree with some of the decisions made by the Linux Mint team, and I'm probably
                                                going to make my own Debian Testing-based distribution in the future, but that's only
                                                because of other reasons, I would still be happy to use Linux Mint.
                                                I believe GNU/Linux only lacks the promotion it deserves. Unless it gets some promotion
                                                (think advertising, pre-installation on computers etc.), even from a specific
                                                distributor, or a miracle happens, the paradox will remain: people don't use GNU/Linux
                                                because it doesn't have enough software, and software developers don't make software for
                                                it because it's not popular enough.
                                                I prefer using libre software <i>when practical</i> (so phones are an exception, because
                                                there's no libre phone that's at a decent price with decent hardware; I still want a
                                                libre phone so much, but wasting 1 year to get GNU/Linux on a 4-year-old phone isn't
                                                OK for me).
                                                I don't want a GNU/Linux phone for privacy or any specific feature; I want it because
                                                I want to have control over my phone and do anything the hardware is capable of. Androids
                                                aren't smartphones, they're Java phones that happen to use the Linux kernel.
                                                I do web development, the old-school way, with Flask, Jinja2, HTML, plain CSS and JS.
                                                I don't do SPAs because you have to duplicate your logic, and also reimplement the
                                                browser's features. I hate the trend of everything being a SPA, including static sites,
                                                e-commerce, blogs, GitHub, and more. I have no plans to learn React, Angular, Vue, or
                                                Svelte. Also, I don't design UIs with Figma or similar tools, I just write an initial
                                                version in code and iterate on it.
                                                It's fine that SPAs exist, but they should only be used when building something like
                                                Google Maps, Google Sheets, games or other things that update a lot.
                                                I do enjoy using htmx for AJAX-like updates, I write my own JS when I really need it,
                                                and I like using WebAssembly with MicroPython for interactive features. MicroPython
                                                loads in less than 500ms, even on Androids.
                                                Besides web development, I do other things in Python. I write GTK apps for the GNU/Linux
                                                desktop (not GNOME), small CLI tools and I train AIs for image recognition. I'm also
                                                trying to get into game development.
                                                I also do C++, mainly for competitive programming (in the Romanian Olympiad of Informatics,
                                                only C/C++ is allowed), and I'm trying to expand my knowledge of C++ to GTK and make my
                                                own interpreter for an object-oriented language.
                                                I haven't tried Rust and Go, and I have no plans to learn them. OO (the Python and
                                                Smalltalk way, not the forced Java way) makes a lot of sense to me and I don't understand
                                                changing it for the sake of change.
                                                I'm also interested in electronics and robotics, but I don't have the time and money to
                                                get into them.