Web platform for sharing free image data for ML and research

Homepage: https://datasets.roundabout-host.com

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created on Monday, 9 September 2024, 11:03:43 (1725879823), received on Monday, 9 September 2024, 14:10:32 (1725891032)
Author identity: vlad <vlad.muntoiu@gmail.com>



@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ with app.app_context():

                                                    id = db.Column(db.String(64), primary_key=True)               # SPDX identifier
                                                    title = db.Column(db.UnicodeText, nullable=False)             # the official name of the licence
                                                    description = db.Column(db.UnicodeText, nullable=False)       # brief description of its permissions and restrictions
                                                info_url = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False)          # the URL to a page with general information about the licence
                                                info_url = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=False)         # the URL to a page with general information about the licence
                                                    url = db.Column(db.String(1024), nullable=True)               # the URL to a page with the full text of the licence and more information
                                                    pictures = db.relationship("PictureLicence", back_populates="licence")
                                                    free = db.Column(db.Boolean, nullable=False, default=False)   # whether the licence is free or not

@@ -875,9 +875,7 @@ def query_pictures():

                                            response = flask.jsonify(json_response)
                                            response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
                                            return response
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_response)

@@ -910,7 +908,80 @@ def api_picture(id):

                                                        "shape": region.json["shape"],
                                            response = flask.jsonify(json_resource)
                                            response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"
                                            return response
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_resource)
                                        def api_licences():
                                            licences = db.session.query(Licence).all()
                                            json_licences = {
                                                licence.id: {
                                                    "title": licence.title,
                                                    "free": licence.free,
                                                    "pinned": licence.pinned,
                                                } for licence in licences
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_licences)
                                        def api_licence(id):
                                            licence = db.session.get(Licence, id)
                                            if licence is None:
                                            json_licence = {
                                                "id": licence.id,
                                                "title": licence.title,
                                                "description": licence.description,
                                                "info_url": licence.info_url,
                                                "legalese_url": licence.url,
                                                "free": licence.free,
                                                "logo_url": licence.logo_url,
                                                "pinned": licence.pinned,
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_licence)
                                        def api_natures():
                                            natures = db.session.query(PictureNature).all()
                                            json_natures = {
                                                nature.id: nature.description for nature in natures
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_natures)
                                        def api_users():
                                            offset = int(flask.request.args.get("offset", 0))
                                            limit = int(flask.request.args.get("limit", 16))
                                            users = db.session.query(User).offset(offset).limit(limit).all()
                                            json_users = {
                                                user.username: {
                                                    "admin": user.admin,
                                                } for user in users
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_users)
                                        def api_user(username):
                                            user = db.session.get(User, username)
                                            if user is None:
                                            json_user = {
                                                "username": user.username,
                                                "admin": user.admin,
                                                "joined": user.joined_timestamp.timestamp(),
                                            return flask.jsonify(json_user)