created on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 15:20:28 (1727277628),
received on Thursday, 26 September 2024, 08:09:39 (1727338179)
Author identity: vlad <>
@@ -344,10 +344,16 @@ with app.app_context():
@app.route("/") def index(): return flask.render_template("home.html", resources=PictureResource.query.order_by(return flask.render_template("home.html", resources=PictureResource.query.filter_by(replaced_by=None).order_by(db.func.random()).limit(10).all()) @app.route("/info/") def usage_guide(): with open("help/") as f: return flask.render_template("help.html", content=markdown.markdown2html( @app.route("/accounts/") def accounts(): return flask.render_template("login.html")
@@ -1601,7 +1607,7 @@ def api_rate_picture(id):
if current_user is None: flask.abort(401) rating = int(flask.request.json.get("rating"))rating = int(flask.request.json.get("rating", 0))if not rating: # Delete the existing rating
@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
Data formats============This document describes the various data formats that are used in the system.Raw annotation data-------------------The client sends raw data for image annotations in a JSON format which is a listof shapes. Each shape is a dictionary with the following keys:* `type`: The type of the shape which can be:* `bbox` (bounding box, rectangle)* `polygon`* `polyline`* `point`* `shape`: The shape data. Its format depends on the shape `type`:* For `bbox` it is a dictionary with keys x, y, w, h:~~~json{"x": x, "y": y, "w": w, "h": h}~~~* For `polygon` and `polyline` it is a list of points; each point is adictionary with keys x and y:~~~json[{"x": x1, "y": y1}, {"x": x2, "y": y2}, ...]~~~The only difference between `polygon` and `polyline` is that the former issupposed to be closed so the last point is connected to the first one.* For `point` it is a dictionary with keys x and y:~~~json{"x": x, "y": y}~~~* All coordinates are floating-point numbers in the range [0, 1] and relativeto the image size, with the origin in the top-left corner.* `object`: The ID of the type of object (label) depicted in the shape. This IDis a human-readable string that must be registered in the system beforebeing used on shapes.The server sends the same data back to the client, to use to show the existingannotations for an image.### Example~~~json[{"type": "bbox","shape": {"x": 0.1, "y": 0.1, "w": 0.5, "h": 0.5},"object": "Cat (Felis catus)"},{"type": "polygon","shape": [{"x": 0, "y": 0}, {"x": 1, "y": 0}, {"x": 0, "y": 1}],"object": "Slice of pizza margherita"},{"type": "point","shape": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5},"object": "Cat (Felis catus) - left eye"}]~~~Query format------------The query format is based on YAML and used to query for pictures in the system.### StructureThe root can have 3 keys:* `want`: A list of rules that the images must satisfy. If not provided, nofiltering is done.* `exclude`: A list of rules that the images must not satisfy. If not provided,no filtering is done.* `include_obsolete`: If true the query may return images with a designatedreplacement. If false (default) this won't be possible.`want` and `exclude` are lists of rules. Each rule is a dictionary with a singlekey (this is to allow multiple rules of the same kind). Accepted rules are:* `has_object: [object1, object2, ...]`: The image must contain any of theobjects in the list.* `has: [object1, object2, ...]`: The image must contain any of the objects inthe list, or a descendant of any of them.* `nature: [nature1, nature2, ...]`: The image must have one of the natures inthe list. Natures are strings like "photo" that indicate the source of theimage.* `licence: [licence1, licence2, ...]`: The image must have one of the licencesin the list. If possible, licence IDs are SPDX identifiers, non-standard onesare prefixed with `X-`.* `author: [author1, author2, ...]`: The image's author's username must be inthe list.* `title: query`: Search for titles (`ilike`).* `description: query`: Search for descriptions (`ilike`).* `origin_url: query`: Search for origin URLs. The query matches the beginningof the URL excluding the protocol. (like ``)* `above_width: width`: The image must have a width greater than or equal tothe given value, in pixels.* `above_height: height`: The image must have a height greater than or equal tothe given value, in pixels.* `below_width: width`: The image must have a width less than or equal to thegiven value, in pixels.* `below_height: height`: The image must have a height less than or equal to thegiven value, in pixels.* `before_date: timestamp`: The image must have been uploaded before the givenUnix timestamp.* `after_date: timestamp`: The image must have been uploaded after the givenUnix timestamp.* `in_gallery: [gallery1, gallery2, ...]`: The image must be in any of thegalleries (by ID) in the list.* `above_rating: rating`: The image must have a rating greater than or equal tothe given value (1-5 stars). Images with no rating are included; use`above_rating_count: 1` to exclude them.* `below_rating: rating`: The image must have a rating less than or equal to thegiven value (1-5 stars).* `above_rating_count: count`: The image must have at least the given ratingcount.* `below_rating_count: count`: The image must have at most the given ratingcount.* `above_region_count: count`: The image must have at least the given number ofregions.* `below_region_count: count`: The image must have at most the given number ofregions.* `copied_from: [image1, image2, ...]`: The image must be a copy of an image in theimages in the list (by ID).`ordering`, `offset` and `limit` can be specified as query parameters in theURL. `ordering` can be one of `date-desc`, `date-asc`, `title-asc`, `title-desc`,`number-regions-desc`, `number-regions-asc`, `random`. `offset` and `limit` areintegers that specify the number of images to skip and the maximum number ofimages to return, respectively.### Example~~~yaml# Restrictions for queried imageswant:# This means that the image must contain both rules, so both a cat and a dog- has_object: ["Cat (Felis catus)"]- has_object: ["Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)"]# Or we can put them in a list to mean that the image can contain any of the# objects in the list- has_object: ["Grass", "Flower"]# So the image must contain a cat and a dog, as well as either grass or# a flower# The following rule restricts the images to those with a certain source,# like a camera or a drawing; omitting this rule means that the images can# be of any source- nature: ["photo", "computer-3d-art"]# The following rule restricts the images to those with a certain licence- licence: ["CC-BY-1.0", "CC-BY-2.0", "CC-BY-3.0", "CC-BY-4.0", "CC0-1.0","Unlicense", "WTFPL", "MIT", "BSD-2-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause","Apache-2.0", "X-informal-attribution", "X-informal-do-anything","X-public-domain-old", "X-public-domain"]# Prohibitions for queried imagesexclude:# This means that the image must not contain any of the objects in the list- has_object: ["Human"]# This excludes images uploaded before the given date- before_date: 1546300800# This requires images to have a minimum resolution- below_width: 800- below_height: 600# In summary, we want images that contain both a cat and a dog, either a grass# or a flower, but not a human, taken after 2019-01-01, must be a photo or a# 3D render, must carry one of certain permissive licences and have a resolution# of at least 800x600 pixels.~~~
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
What's this? ------------ This is a platform for managing an image dataset. It's designed to make it easy for anyone to upload images, annotate them, and for people who need images to search for them. There's also a JSON API for automating tasks. It's also free software under the GNU AGPLv3. Querying for pictures --------------------- The query format is based on YAML and used to query for pictures in the system. ### Structure The root can have 3 keys: * `want`: A list of rules that the images must satisfy. If not provided, no filtering is done. * `exclude`: A list of rules that the images must not satisfy. If not provided, no filtering is done. * `include_obsolete`: If true the query may return images with a designated replacement. If false (default) this won't be possible. `want` and `exclude` are lists of rules. Each rule is a dictionary with a single key (this is to allow multiple rules of the same kind). Accepted rules are: * `has: [object1, object2, ...]`: The image must contain any of the objects in the list, or a descendant of any of them. * `has_object: [object1, object2, ...]`: The image must contain any of the objects in the list. * `nature: [nature1, nature2, ...]`: The image must have one of the natures in the list. Natures are strings like "photo" that indicate the source of the image. * `licence: [licence1, licence2, ...]`: The image must have one of the licences in the list. If possible, licence IDs are SPDX identifiers, non-standard ones are prefixed with `X-`. * `author: [author1, author2, ...]`: The image's author's username must be in the list. * `title: query`: Search for titles (`ilike`). * `description: query`: Search for descriptions (`ilike`). * `origin_url: query`: Search for origin URLs. The query matches the beginning of the URL excluding the protocol. (like ``) * `above_width: width`: The image must have a width greater than or equal to the given value, in pixels. * `above_height: height`: The image must have a height greater than or equal to the given value, in pixels. * `below_width: width`: The image must have a width less than or equal to the given value, in pixels. * `below_height: height`: The image must have a height less than or equal to the given value, in pixels. * `before_date: timestamp`: The image must have been uploaded before the given Unix timestamp. * `after_date: timestamp`: The image must have been uploaded after the given Unix timestamp. * `in_gallery: [gallery1, gallery2, ...]`: The image must be in any of the galleries (by ID) in the list. * `above_rating: rating`: The image must have a rating greater than or equal to the given value (1-5 stars). Images with no rating are included; use `above_rating_count: 1` to exclude them. * `below_rating: rating`: The image must have a rating less than or equal to the given value (1-5 stars). * `above_rating_count: count`: The image must have at least the given rating count. * `below_rating_count: count`: The image must have at most the given rating count. * `above_region_count: count`: The image must have at least the given number of regions. * `below_region_count: count`: The image must have at most the given number of regions. * `copied_from: [image1, image2, ...]`: The image must be a copy of an image in the images in the list (by ID). `ordering`, `offset` and `limit` can be specified as query parameters in the URL. `ordering` can be one of `date-desc`, `date-asc`, `title-asc`, `title-desc`, `number-regions-desc`, `number-regions-asc`, `random`. `offset` and `limit` are integers that specify the number of images to skip and the maximum number of images to return, respectively. ### Example ~~~yaml # Restrictions for queried images want: # This means that the image must contain both rules, so both a cat and a dog - has_object: ["Cat (Felis catus)"] - has_object: ["Dog (Canis lupus familiaris)"] # Or we can put them in a list to mean that the image can contain any of the # objects in the list - has_object: ["Grass", "Flower"] # So the image must contain a cat and a dog, as well as either grass or # a flower # The following rule restricts the images to those with a certain source, # like a camera or a drawing; omitting this rule means that the images can # be of any source - nature: ["photo", "computer-3d-art"] # The following rule restricts the images to those with a certain licence - licence: ["CC-BY-1.0", "CC-BY-2.0", "CC-BY-3.0", "CC-BY-4.0", "CC0-1.0", "Unlicense", "WTFPL", "MIT", "BSD-2-Clause", "BSD-3-Clause", "Apache-2.0", "X-informal-attribution", "X-informal-do-anything", "X-public-domain-old", "X-public-domain"] # Prohibitions for queried images exclude: # This means that the image must not contain any of the objects in the list - has_object: ["Human"] # This excludes images uploaded before the given date - before_date: 1546300800 # This requires images to have a minimum resolution - below_width: 800 - below_height: 600 # In summary, we want images that contain both a cat and a dog, either a grass # or a flower, but not a human, taken after 2019-01-01, must be a photo or a # 3D render, must carry one of certain permissive licences and have a resolution # of at least 800x600 pixels. ~~~ You will get a list of JSON dictionaries with the following keys: * `id` which is the picture's numeric ID. * `title` which is the picture's title. * `description` which is the picture's description. * `author` which is the picture's author's username. * `origin_url` which is the picture's origin URL. * `timestamp` which is the Unix time at which the picture was posted. * `width` and `height` which are the picture's dimensions, in pixels. * `file_format` which is the picture's MIME type. * `nature` which is the picture's nature. * `licences` which is a list of licence identifiers. * `replaces` which is the ID of the picture replaced by this one, if any. * `replaced_by` which is the ID of the picture's replacement, if any. * `regions` which represents the picture's annotations in the format described below. * `download` which is the URL of the image file. If you query the endpoint `/api/picture/<id>/` you will also get: * `rating_average` which is the average rating of the picture from one to five stars. * `rating_count` which is the number of ratings of each grade. This is done to avoid processing ratings when they aren't needed. Raw annotation data format -------------------------- The client sends raw data for image annotations in a JSON format which is a list of shapes. Each shape is a dictionary with the following keys: * `type`: The type of the shape which can be: * `bbox` (bounding box, rectangle) * `polygon` * `polyline` * `point` * `shape`: The shape data. Its format depends on the shape `type`: * For `bbox` it is a dictionary with keys x, y, w, h: ` {"x": x, "y": y, "w": w, "h": h} ` * For `polygon` and `polyline` it is a list of points; each point is a dictionary with keys x and y: ` [{"x": x1, "y": y1}, {"x": x2, "y": y2}, ...] ` The only difference between `polygon` and `polyline` is that the former is supposed to be closed so the last point is connected to the first one. * For `point` it is a dictionary with keys x and y: ` {"x": x, "y": y} ` * All coordinates are floating-point numbers in the range [0, 1] and relative to the image size, with the origin in the top-left corner. * `object`: The ID of the type of object (label) depicted in the shape. This ID is a human-readable string that must be registered in the system before being used on shapes. The server sends the same data back to the client, to use to show the existing annotations for an image. ### Example ~~~json [ { "type": "bbox", "shape": {"x": 0.1, "y": 0.1, "w": 0.5, "h": 0.5}, "object": "Cat (Felis catus)" }, { "type": "polygon", "shape": [{"x": 0, "y": 0}, {"x": 1, "y": 0}, {"x": 0, "y": 1}], "object": "Slice of pizza margherita" }, { "type": "point", "shape": {"x": 0.5, "y": 0.5}, "object": "Cat (Felis catus) - left eye" } ] ~~~ Authenticating with the API --------------------------- Your HTTP client must support cookies. `POST` to `/api/login` with a JSON body containing keys `username` and `password`. `POST` to `/api/logout` to clear the session; you can also just delete the cookie on your own. User registration isn't supported by the API to prevent spam; use the HTML form. Uploading from the API ---------------------- You can upload pictures from the API if you're logged in. `POST` to `/api/upload` with a form data containing a key `json` with the value being a JSON dictionary with `title`, `description`, `origin_url`, `licence` (list of IDs), `nature` (ID), and a `file` file that is your image. The JSON can also have a key `annotations` if you want to prefill them — check above for the format. `/api/picture/<id>/update` allows you to pass `title`, `description`, `origin_url`, `licence_ids` and `nature_id` in a JSON body to change an existing picture. Other endpoints --------------- `/api/licence/` provides a dictionary of the licences with the keys being the ID and the value being another dictionary with keys `title`, `free` (whether it respects the Four Freedoms) and `pinned` which indicates if it is at the top of the list. `/api/licence/<id>/` provides more details for the particular licence, including `id`, `title`, `description`, `info_url` which links to a page with information about the licence, `legalese_url` which links to the actual legal text, `free`, `pinned` and `logo_url`. `/api/nature/` provides a dictionary of natures of the form `id: description`. `/api/user/` provides information about users with the key being the name and the value being a dictionary with the `admin` boolean. It uses `offset` and `limit`. `/api/user/<username>/` provides a dictionary with the user's `id`, `admin` status and `joined` date. `POST` to `/api/picture/<id>/rate` with a JSON body with a key `rating` will put a star rating on the picture. To delete the rating call it with a false value. `/api/gallery/<id>` will give metadata about the gallery in JSON: `id`, `title`, `description`, `owner` and `users`. To get the pictures you can use a query. `POST` to `/api/gallery/<id>/edit` with keys `title` and `description` in JSON to update the gallery metadata. `POST` to `/api/new-gallery` creates a new gallery with keys `title` and `description` in the JSON. `POST` to `/api/gallery/<id>/add-picture` with a JSON dictionary containing a key `picture_id` will add the picture. `/api/gallery/<id>/add-picture` will do the reverse. `POST` to `/api/gallery/<id>/users/add` with a JSON dictionary containing a key `username` will trust an user, `/api/gallery/<id>/users/remove` will do the reverse.
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<li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/object/">Object list</a></li> <li><a href="/query-pictures">Query</a></li> <li><a href="/info/">Help</a></li>{% if session.username %} <li><a href="/upload">Upload</a></li> {% endif %}
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li> <li><a href="/object/">Object list</a></li> <li><a href="/query-pictures">Query</a></li> <li><a href="/info/">Help</a></li>{% if session.username %} <li><a href="/upload">Upload</a></li> {% endif %}
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
{% extends "default.html" %} {% block content %} <x-frame style="--width: 768px"> {{ content | safe }} </x-frame> {% endblock %}
@@ -2,10 +2,16 @@
{% block title %}Home | gigadata{% endblock %} {% block content %} <x-frame style="--width: 768px"> <h1>Gigadata</h1><h1>Gigadata (placeholder name)</h1><p> Free image data for machine learning, computer vision, data science, research, and more.Free/libre/open image data for machine learning, computer vision, data science, research, and more. <b>This is a test server.</b></p> <p>Some actions you can do:</p> <ul> <li><a href="/upload">Upload a picture (but you must log in first)</a></li> <li><a href="/object/">List of objects</a></li> <li><a href="/query-pictures">Query the dataset</a></li> </ul><h2>Random pictures</h2> <ul class="thumbnail-list"> {% for resource in resources %}