Web platform for sharing free image data for ML and research

Homepage: https://datasets.roundabout-host.com

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Improve picture page presentation

created on Saturday, 14 September 2024, 09:26:57 (1726306017), received on Saturday, 14 September 2024, 09:36:45 (1726306605)
Author identity: vlad <vlad.muntoiu@gmail.com>



@@ -280,6 +280,16 @@ with app.app_context():

                                                        all_ratings = db.session.query(PictureRating.rating).filter_by(resource=self)
                                                        return {rating: all_ratings.filter_by(rating=rating).count() for rating in range(1, 6)}
                                                def stars(self):
                                                    if not self.ratings:
                                                        return 0
                                                    average = self.average_rating
                                                    whole_stars = int(average)
                                                    partial_star = average - whole_stars
                                                    return [100] * whole_stars + [int(partial_star * 100)] + [0] * (4 - whole_stars)
                                                class PictureInGallery(db.Model):
                                                    id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)


@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@

                                                --color-star: #FFC107;
                                                --color-shape-label: #0097A7;                    --color-shape-label-text: #ffffff;
                                                --shadow-card-inset: inset 0 3px 6px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), inset 0 3px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24), inset 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12);
                                            --1-star: #FF8079;
                                            --2-star: #FF8A65;
                                            --3-star: #FFAC1B;
                                            --4-star: #FBC02D;
                                            --5-star: #CDDC39;
                                                /*view-transition-name: root;*/

@@ -36,6 +41,7 @@ iconify-icon {

                                            #annotation-zone, .annotation-zone {
                                                position: relative;
                                                user-select: none;
                                            overflow: hidden;
                                            #annotation-image, .annotation-image {

@@ -421,7 +427,6 @@ dd {

                                            .star-rating-container {
                                                display: flex;
                                                flex-direction: row-reverse;
                                            gap: 0.5ch;
                                                font-size: 1.25em;
                                                align-items: center;
                                                justify-content: flex-end;   /* In this case, it means LEFT, not right, because of the row-reverse */

@@ -449,3 +454,62 @@ dd {

                                            .star-rating-container > input:checked ~ label {
                                                color: var(--color-star);
                                        .visually-hidden {
                                            position: absolute;
                                            width: 1px;
                                            height: 1px;
                                            box-sizing: content-box;
                                            margin: -1px;
                                            overflow: hidden;
                                            clip-path: inset(50%);
                                            border: 0;
                                        .rating-list {
                                            display: grid;
                                            grid-auto-columns: 1fr;
                                            gap: 0.5rem;
                                            grid-template-columns: auto;
                                            list-style: none;
                                            margin: 0 !important;
                                            padding: 0;
                                            min-width: 50%;
                                        .rating-list > li {
                                            grid-column-start: 1;
                                            height: 28px;
                                            padding: 4px 8px;
                                            display: flex;
                                            align-items: center;
                                            justify-content: space-between;
                                            gap: 0.5rch;
                                            border-radius: 0 4px 4px 0;
                                            margin: 0;
                                        .rating-bar {
                                            display: flex;
                                            align-items: center;
                                            justify-content: flex-start;
                                            gap: 0.5rch;
                                            font-size: 1.25em;
                                            width: 100%;
                                        .rating-bar > .rating-bar-segment {
                                            position: relative;
                                            width: 1em;
                                            height: 1em;
                                            clip-path: url(#star-clip);
                                            background: var(--text-softest);
                                        .rating-bar > .rating-bar-segment > .rating-bar-filling {
                                            background: var(--color-star);
                                            height: 100%;
                                            position: absolute;
                                            top: 0;
                                            left: 0;


@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@

                                                {% endif %}
                                            {% endmacro %}
                                            {% block content %}
                                            <svg width="0" height="0">
                                                    <clipPath id="star-clip">
                                                        <path d="M12 17.27L18.18 21l-1.64-7.03L22 9.24l-7.19-.62L12 2L9.19 8.62L2 9.24l5.45 4.73L5.82 21z"></path>
                                                <x-frame style="--width: 768px">
                                                    <h1>{{ resource.title }}</h1>
                                                    <p>by <a href="/profile/{{ resource.author.username }}">{{ resource.author.formatted_name }}</a></p>

@@ -39,62 +46,85 @@

                                                            <a href="/picture/{{ resource.id }}/delete">Delete</a>
                                                    {% endif %}
                                                <div id="annotation-zone">
                                                    <img id="annotation-image" src="/raw/picture/{{ resource.id }}" alt="{{ resource.title }}">
                                                    {% for region in resource.regions %}
                                                        {% if region.json.type == "bbox" %}
                                                            <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                <rect x="{{ region.json.shape.x * size[0] }}"
                                                                      y="{{ region.json.shape.y * size[1] }}"
                                                                      width="{{ region.json.shape.w * size[0] }}"
                                                                      height="{{ region.json.shape.h * size[1] }}"
                                                                      fill="none" class="shape-bbox shape"
                                                                {% set centre_x = region.json.shape.x + region.json.shape.w / 2 %}
                                                                {% set centre_y = region.json.shape.y + region.json.shape.h / 2 %}
                                                        {% elif region.json.type == "polygon" %}
                                                            <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                <polygon points="{% for point in region.json.shape %}{{ point.x * size[0] }},{{ point.y * size[1] }} {% endfor %}" fill="none" class="shape-polygon shape"></polygon>
                                                                {% set top = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='y') | last %}
                                                                {% set left = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='x') | first %}
                                                                {% set bottom = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='y') | first %}
                                                                {% set right = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='x') | last %}
                                                                {% set centre_x = (left.x + right.x) / 2 %}
                                                                {% set centre_y = (top.y + bottom.y) / 2 %}
                                                        {% elif region.json.type == "polyline" %}
                                                            <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                <polyline points="{% for point in region.json.shape %}{{ point.x * size[0] }},{{ point.y * size[1] }} {% endfor %}" fill="none" class="shape-polyline shape"></polyline>
                                                                {# Median point #}
                                                                {% set centre_x = region.json.shape | map(attribute="x") | median %}
                                                                {% set centre_y = region.json.shape | map(attribute="y") | median %}
                                                        {% elif region.json.type == "point" %}
                                                            <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                <circle cx="{{ region.json.shape.x * size[0] }}" cy="{{ region.json.shape.y * size[1] }}" r="0" fill="none" class="shape-point shape"></circle>
                                                        {% endif %}
                                                        {{ shape_label(centre_x, centre_y, region.object_id) }}
                                                    {% endfor %}
                                                        <input type="checkbox" id="show-shapes" checked>
                                                        Show shapes
                                                        <input type="checkbox" id="show-objects" checked>
                                                        Show objects
                                                {% set licences = resource.licences | map(attribute="licence") | list %}
                                                {% set contains = resource.regions | map(attribute="object_id") | set | select | sort | list %}
                                                        {{ resource.rating_totals }} ratings, average {{ resource.average_rating }}
                                                    <div id="annotation-zone">
                                                        <img id="annotation-image" src="/raw/picture/{{ resource.id }}" alt="{{ resource.title }}">
                                                        {% for region in resource.regions %}
                                                            {% if region.json.type == "bbox" %}
                                                                <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                    <rect x="{{ region.json.shape.x * size[0] }}"
                                                                          y="{{ region.json.shape.y * size[1] }}"
                                                                          width="{{ region.json.shape.w * size[0] }}"
                                                                          height="{{ region.json.shape.h * size[1] }}"
                                                                          fill="none" class="shape-bbox shape"
                                                                    {% set centre_x = region.json.shape.x + region.json.shape.w / 2 %}
                                                                    {% set centre_y = region.json.shape.y + region.json.shape.h / 2 %}
                                                            {% elif region.json.type == "polygon" %}
                                                                <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                    <polygon points="{% for point in region.json.shape %}{{ point.x * size[0] }},{{ point.y * size[1] }} {% endfor %}" fill="none" class="shape-polygon shape"></polygon>
                                                                    {% set top = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='y') | last %}
                                                                    {% set left = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='x') | first %}
                                                                    {% set bottom = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='y') | first %}
                                                                    {% set right = region.json.shape | sort(attribute='x') | last %}
                                                                    {% set centre_x = (left.x + right.x) / 2 %}
                                                                    {% set centre_y = (top.y + bottom.y) / 2 %}
                                                            {% elif region.json.type == "polyline" %}
                                                                <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                    <polyline points="{% for point in region.json.shape %}{{ point.x * size[0] }},{{ point.y * size[1] }} {% endfor %}" fill="none" class="shape-polyline shape"></polyline>
                                                                    {# Median point #}
                                                                    {% set centre_x = region.json.shape | map(attribute="x") | median %}
                                                                    {% set centre_y = region.json.shape | map(attribute="y") | median %}
                                                            {% elif region.json.type == "point" %}
                                                                <svg class="shape-container-viewonly" viewBox="0 0 {{ size[0] }} {{ size[1] }}">
                                                                    <circle cx="{{ region.json.shape.x * size[0] }}" cy="{{ region.json.shape.y * size[1] }}" r="0" fill="none" class="shape-point shape"></circle>
                                                            {% endif %}
                                                            {{ shape_label(centre_x, centre_y, region.object_id) }}
                                                        {% endfor %}
                                                            <input type="checkbox" id="show-shapes" checked>
                                                            Show shapes
                                                            <input type="checkbox" id="show-objects" checked>
                                                            Show objects
                                                    {% set licences = resource.licences | map(attribute="licence") | list %}
                                                    {% set contains = resource.regions | map(attribute="object_id") | set | select | sort | list %}
                                                    <h2>Ratings ({{ resource.rating_totals.values() | sum }})</h2>
                                                            <div class="rating-bar">
                                                                {% for i in range(1, 6) %}
                                                                    <div class="rating-bar-segment">
                                                                        <div class="rating-bar-filling" style="width: {{ resource.stars[i-1] }}%"></div>
                                                                {% endfor %}
                                                                <span>Average rating:</span>
                                                                <span>{{ resource.average_rating | round(2) }}</span>
                                                                from {{ resource.rating_totals.values() | sum }} ratings
                                                        <ul class="rating-list flexible-space">
                                                            {% for i in range(5, 0, -1) %}
                                                                <li style="grid-column-end: {{ resource.rating_totals[i] + 2 }}; background: var(--{{ i }}-star);">
                                                                    <span>{{ i }}:</span>
                                                                    <span>{{ resource.rating_totals[i] }}</span>
                                                            {% endfor %}
                                                        {% if current_user %}
                                                        <h3>Your rating</h3>
                                                            <form id="rating-form" method="POST" action="/picture/{{ resource.id }}/rate">
                                                                    <input name="rating" type="radio" value="0" {% if not own_rating.rating %}checked{% endif %}>

@@ -115,6 +145,7 @@

                                                                <button type="submit">Rate</button>
                                                        {% endif %}
                                                        <div class="icon-explainer">
                                                            <span>{{ resource.nature.id }}</span>

@@ -130,6 +161,7 @@

                                                            <span>{{ resource.timestamp }}</span>
                                                        Contains objects: {{ contains | join(", ") }}
                                                        <x-hbox style="justify-content: space-between">
                                                            <small class="picture-licensing-info">
                                                                Available under: