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created on Saturday, 20 April 2024, 10:11:15 (1713607875), received on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 11:54:32 (1713873272)
Author identity: vlad <>



@@ -13,14 +13,20 @@ import colorama

                                        # Disable YAML date constructor
                                        def no_date_constructor(loader, node):
                                        def _no_date_constructor(loader, node):
                                            """Function to prevent the YAML loader from converting dates, keeping them as strings,
                                            so they can be parsed in a more lenient way.
                                                value = loader.construct_scalar(node)
                                                return value
                                            def in_directory(directory):
                                            """Execute a block of code in a different directory.
                                            :param directory: The directory to change to.
                                                cwd = os.getcwd()

@@ -30,6 +36,11 @@ def in_directory(directory):

                                            def delete_directory_contents(directory):
                                            """Delete all files and directories in a directory recursively,
                                            but not the directory itself.
                                            :param directory: The directory to clear.
                                                for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory):
                                                    for file in files:
                                                        os.remove(os.path.join(root, file))

@@ -38,7 +49,17 @@ def delete_directory_contents(directory):

                                            def parse_date_string(date_string):
                                            """Parse a date/time string into a datetime object. Supports multiple unambiguous formats.
                                            :param date_string: The date/time string to parse.
                                            :return: A datetime object representing the date/time string.
                                                def split_date_and_time(date_string):
                                                """Split a date/time string into a date string and a time string.
                                                :param date_string: The date/time string to split.
                                                :return: A tuple containing the date and time strings.
                                                    if ":" not in date_string:
                                                        return date_string, "00:00:00"

@@ -118,12 +139,18 @@ def parse_date_string(date_string):

                                            class Document:
                                            """A type representing a document, which can be text or binary."""
                                                def __init__(self, file_name, url_transform=lambda x: x):
                                                """Create a new document object.
                                                :param file_name: The name of the file to read.
                                                :param url_transform: Function to change the file name to a different form.
                                                    self.file_name = file_name
                                                    self.encoding = "utf-8"
                                                    # If the file is text, read it.
                                                    self.front_matter = YAML()
                                                self.front_matter.Constructor.add_constructor(",2002:timestamp", no_date_constructor)
                                                self.front_matter.Constructor.add_constructor(",2002:timestamp", _no_date_constructor)
                                                    self.content = ""
                                           = datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(file_name))

@@ -178,11 +205,21 @@ class Document:

                                                    return self.content
                                                def __getitem__(self, item):
                                                """Get an item from the front matter of the document"""
                                                    return self.front_matter[item]
                                            class Index:
                                            """A type representing an index of documents."""
                                                def __init__(self, directory, recursive=False, url_transform=lambda x: x, sort_by=lambda x: x.file_name, exclude=None):
                                                """Create a new index object.
                                                :param directory: The directory to read the files from.
                                                :param recursive: Whether to read files from subdirectories.
                                                :param url_transform: Function to change the file name to a different form.
                                                :param sort_by: Function returning a key to sort the documents by.
                                                :param exclude: Regular expression to exclude files from the index.
                                           = directory
                                                    # Temporarily move to the specified directory in order to read the files.
                                                    if exclude:

@@ -217,19 +254,38 @@ class Index:

                                            class Site:
                                            """A type representing a website."""
                                                def __init__(self, build_dir, template_dir="templates"):
                                                """Create a new site object.
                                                :param build_dir: The directory to build the site in.
                                                :param template_dir: The directory to read the templates from.
                                                    self.build_dir = build_dir
                                                    self.template_engine = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
                                                    self.pages = {}
                                                    self.context = {}
                                                def add_page(self, location, page):
                                                """Add a page to the site.
                                                :param location: The location the page should be saved to.
                                                :param page: The page object itself.
                                                    if location.endswith("/"):
                                                        location += "index.html"
                                                    location = location.lstrip("/")            # interpret it as site root, not OS root
                                                    self.pages[location] = page
                                                def add_from_index(self, index, location, template=None, static=False, **kwargs):
                                                """Add pages to the site from an index.
                                                :param index: The index to read the documents from.
                                                :param location: The location to save the pages to.
                                                :param template: The template to use for the pages.
                                                :param static: Whether to treat them as static files.
                                                :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the template when rendering.
                                                    location = location.lstrip("/")            # interpret it as site root, not OS root
                                                    kwargs = {**self.context, **kwargs}
                                                    if static:

@@ -240,6 +296,10 @@ class Site:

                                                            self.pages[os.path.join(location, document.file_name)] = Page(self, template, document, **kwargs)
                                                def filter(self, name):
                                                """Decorator to add a filter to the template engine.
                                                :param name: The name the filter will be used with in Jinja2.
                                                    def decorator(func):
                                                        self.template_engine.filters[name] = func
                                                        return func

@@ -247,6 +307,10 @@ class Site:

                                                    return decorator
                                                def test(self, name):
                                                """Decorator to add a test to the template engine.
                                                :param name: The name the test will be used with in Jinja2.
                                                    def decorator(func):
                                                        self.template_engine.tests[name] = func
                                                        return func

@@ -254,6 +318,7 @@ class Site:

                                                    return decorator
                                                def build(self):
                                                """Build the site in its directory."""
                                                    # Clear the build directory if it exists.
                                                    if os.path.isdir(self.build_dir):

@@ -271,11 +336,13 @@ class Site:

                                            class Page(str):
                                            """A type representing a page, which is a rendered template."""
                                                def __new__(cls, site, template, document=None, **kwargs):
                                                    kwargs = {**site.context, **kwargs}
                                                    return site.template_engine.get_template(template).render(document=document, **kwargs)
                                            class Static(bytes):
                                            """A type representing a static file, which is binary content that is not templated."""
                                                def __new__(cls, site, document):
                                                    return document.content