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created on Saturday, 20 April 2024, 12:39:59 (1713616799), received on Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 11:54:33 (1713873273)
Author identity: vlad <>



@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import os

                                            import re
                                            import shutil
                                            import contextlib
                                        import typing
                                            from datetime import datetime
                                            import jinja2
                                            from ruamel.yaml import YAML

@@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ def parse_date_string(date_string):

                                            class Document:
                                                """A type representing a document, which can be text or binary."""
                                            def __init__(self, file_name, url_transform=lambda x: x):
                                            def __init__(self, file_name: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], url_transform: typing.Callable = lambda x: x, front_matter_enabled: bool = True):
                                                    """Create a new document object.
                                                    :param file_name: The name of the file to read.

@@ -159,24 +160,25 @@ class Document:

                                                            # Parse front matter if available.
                                                            front_matter = ""
                                                        initial_line = f.readline()
                                                        if initial_line == "---\n":
                                                            print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, colorama.Fore.CYAN, "Front matter found", sep="")
                                                            line = ""
                                                            while line != "---\n":
                                                                line = f.readline()
                                                                if line != "---\n":
                                                                    front_matter += line
                                                            print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, colorama.Fore.GREEN, "Front matter loaded", sep="")
                                                        if front_matter:
                                                        if front_matter_enabled:
                                                            initial_line = f.readline()
                                                            if initial_line == "---\n":
                                                                print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, colorama.Fore.CYAN, "Front matter found", sep="")
                                                                line = ""
                                                                while line != "---\n":
                                                                    line = f.readline()
                                                                    if line != "---\n":
                                                                        front_matter += line
                                                                print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, colorama.Fore.GREEN, "Front matter loaded", sep="")
                                                        if front_matter and front_matter_enabled:
                                                                self.front_matter = self.front_matter.load(front_matter)
                                                                print(self.front_matter, type(self.front_matter))
                                                                if "DATE" in self.front_matter:
                                                           = parse_date_string(self.front_matter["DATE"])
                                                        else:   # put it back
                                                        elif front_matter_enabled:   # put it back
                                                                self.content = initial_line
                                                            print(colorama.Style.RESET_ALL, colorama.Fore.CYAN, "Reading content", sep="")

@@ -204,14 +206,28 @@ class Document:

                                                def __str__(self):
                                                    return self.content
                                            def __getitem__(self, item):
                                            def __getitem__(self, item: str):
                                                    """Get an item from the front matter of the document"""
                                                    return self.front_matter[item]
                                            def __setitem__(self, item: str, value: typing.Any):
                                                """Set an item in the front matter of the document"""
                                                self.front_matter[item] = value
                                            def __delitem__(self, item: str):
                                                """Delete an item from the front matter of the document"""
                                                del self.front_matter[item]
                                            def __contains__(self, item: str):
                                                """Check if an item is in the front matter of the document"""
                                                return item in self.front_matter
                                            class Index:
                                                """A type representing an index of documents."""
                                            def __init__(self, directory, recursive=False, url_transform=lambda x: x, sort_by=lambda x: x.file_name, exclude=None):
                                            def __init__(self, directory: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], recursive: bool = False,
                                                         url_transform: typing.Callable = lambda x: x, sort_by: typing.Callable = lambda x: x.file_name,
                                                         exclude: typing.Union[str, None] = None, static: bool = False):
                                                    """Create a new index object.
                                                    :param directory: The directory to read the files from.

@@ -221,6 +237,7 @@ class Index:

                                                    :param exclude: Regular expression to exclude files from the index.
                                           = directory
                                                self.static = static
                                                    # Temporarily move to the specified directory in order to read the files.
                                                    if exclude:
                                                        regex = re.compile(exclude)

@@ -232,7 +249,7 @@ class Index:

                                                            self.file_names = [i for i in os.listdir() if os.path.isfile(i) and not]
                                                    self.documents = sorted([Document(i, url_transform) for i in self.file_names], key=sort_by)
                                                    self.documents = sorted([Document(i, url_transform, front_matter_enabled=not static) for i in self.file_names], key=sort_by)
                                                    self.__current_index = 0
                                                def __iter__(self):

@@ -255,18 +272,18 @@ class Index:

                                            class Site:
                                                """A type representing a website."""
                                            def __init__(self, build_dir, template_dir="templates"):
                                            def __init__(self, build_dir: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], template_dir: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike] = "templates"):
                                                    """Create a new site object.
                                                    :param build_dir: The directory to build the site in.
                                                    :param template_dir: The directory to read the templates from.
                                                self.build_dir = build_dir
                                                self.template_engine = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
                                                self.pages = {}
                                                self.context = {}
                                                self.build_dir: str = build_dir
                                                self.template_engine: jinja2.Environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader(template_dir))
                                                self.pages: dict[str, typing.Union[Static, Page]] = {}
                                                self.context: dict[str, typing.Any] = {}
                                            def add_page(self, location, page):
                                            def add_page(self, location: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], page: typing.Union["Static", "Page"]):
                                                    """Add a page to the site.
                                                    :param location: The location the page should be saved to.

@@ -277,7 +294,7 @@ class Site:

                                                    location = location.lstrip("/")            # interpret it as site root, not OS root
                                                    self.pages[location] = page
                                            def add_from_index(self, index, location, template=None, static=False, **kwargs):
                                            def add_from_index(self, index: Index, location: typing.Union[str, bytes, os.PathLike], template: typing.Union[str, None] = None, **kwargs):
                                                    """Add pages to the site from an index.
                                                    :param index: The index to read the documents from.

@@ -288,14 +305,14 @@ class Site:

                                                    location = location.lstrip("/")            # interpret it as site root, not OS root
                                                    kwargs = {**self.context, **kwargs}
                                                if static:
                                                if index.static:
                                                        for document in index:
                                                            self.pages[os.path.join(location, document.file_name)] = Static(self, document)
                                                        for document in index:
                                                            self.pages[os.path.join(location, document.file_name)] = Page(self, template, document, **kwargs)
                                            def filter(self, name):
                                            def filter(self, name: str):
                                                    """Decorator to add a filter to the template engine.
                                                    :param name: The name the filter will be used with in Jinja2.

@@ -306,7 +323,7 @@ class Site:

                                                    return decorator
                                            def test(self, name):
                                            def test(self, name: str):
                                                    """Decorator to add a test to the template engine.
                                                    :param name: The name the test will be used with in Jinja2.

@@ -337,12 +354,12 @@ class Site:

                                            class Page(str):
                                                """A type representing a page, which is a rendered template."""
                                            def __new__(cls, site, template, document=None, **kwargs):
                                            def __new__(cls, site: Site, template: str, document: Document = None, **kwargs):
                                                    kwargs = {**site.context, **kwargs}
                                                    return site.template_engine.get_template(template).render(document=document, **kwargs)
                                            class Static(bytes):
                                                """A type representing a static file, which is binary content that is not templated."""
                                            def __new__(cls, site, document):
                                            def __new__(cls, site: Site, document: Document):
                                                    return document.content


@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@

                                        import math
                                        import datetime
                                        def init_filters(site):
                                            def first_paragraph(value):
                                                return value.split("\n\n")[0]
                                            def split(value, sep, maxsplit=-1):
                                                return value.split(sep, maxsplit)
                                            def rsplit(value, sep, maxsplit=-1):
                                                return value.rsplit(sep, maxsplit)
                                            def partition(value, sep):
                                                return value.partition(sep)
                                            def rpartition(value, sep):
                                                return value.rpartition(sep)
                                            def lstrip(value, chars=None):
                                                return value.lstrip(chars)
                                            def rstrip(value, chars=None):
                                                return value.rstrip(chars)
                                            def strip(value, chars=None):
                                                return value.strip(chars)
                                            def removeprefix(value, prefix):
                                                return value.removeprefix(prefix)
                                            def removesuffix(value, suffix):
                                                return value.removesuffix(suffix)
                                            def remove(value, string):
                                                return value.replace(string, "")
                                            def strftime(value: datetime.datetime | | datetime.time, format_):
                                                return value.strftime(format_)
                                            def unixtime(value: datetime.datetime | | datetime.time):
                                                return round(value.timestamp())
                                            def strptime(value, format_):
                                                return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, format_)
                                            def round_(value, decimals=0):
                                                return round(value, decimals)
                                            def floor(value):
                                                return math.floor(value)
                                            def ceiling(value):
                                                return math.ceil(value)
                                            def units(value, decimals=2, scale=1024,
                                                      suffixes=("B", "kiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB")):
                                                for unit in suffixes:
                                                    if value < scale:
                                                    value /= scale
                                                if int(value) == value:
                                                    return int(value) + "\u202f" + unit
                                                return round(value * 10 ** decimals) / 10 ** decimals + "\u202f" + unit
                                            def conditional(value, true_value, false_value):
                                                return true_value if value else false_value
                                            def debug_log_value(value):
                                                return value
                                            def harvester_protection(value):
                                                return "".join(f"&#x{ord(char):x};" for char in value)
                                            def pretty_number(value, separator="\u202f"):
                                                return f"{value:,}".replace(",", separator)
                                            def hex_(value):
                                                return hex(value).removeprefix("0x")
                                            def oct_(value):
                                                return oct(value).removeprefix("0o")
                                            def bin_(value):
                                                return bin(value).removeprefix("0b")
                                            def join(value, separator=" "):
                                                return separator.join(value)
                                            def replace(value, old, new):
                                                return value.replace(old, new)
                                            def file_stat(value):
                                                return value.stat()
                                            def path_cat(*value):
                                                return os.path.join(*value)
                                            def path_dirname(value):
                                                return os.path.dirname(value)
                                            def path_basename(value):
                                                return os.path.basename(value)
                                            def path_splitext(value):
                                                return os.path.splitext(value)
                                            def type_(value):
                                                return type(value)
                                            def type_name(value):
                                                return type(value).__name__
                                            def nth(value, step, start=0):
                                                return value[start::step]
                                            def key_list(value):
                                                return list(value.keys())
                                            def value_list(value):
                                                return list(value.values())
                                            def item_list(value):
                                                return list(value.items())
                                            def remove_dupes(value):
                                                list = []
                                                for i in value:
                                                    if i not in list:
                                                return list
                                            def percent(value, maximum, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value * maximum / 100, decimals) + "%"
                                            def percent_of(value, total, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value / total * 100, decimals) + "%"
                                            def permille(value, maximum, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value * maximum / 1000, decimals) + "‰"
                                            def permille_of(value, total, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value / total * 1000, decimals) + "‰"
                                            def timezone(value, timezone):
                                                return value.astimezone(timezone)
                                        def init_tests(site):
                                            def isinstance_(value, type_):
                                                return isinstance(value, type_)
                                            def only_chars(value, chars):
                                                return set(value).issubset(set(chars))
                                            def is_empty(value):
                                                return not len(value)
                                            def is_not_empty(value):
                                                return len(value)
                                            def past_date(value):
                                                return value <
                                            def future_date(value):
                                                return value >
                                            def is_numeric(value):
                                                    return True
                                                except ValueError:
                                                    return False
                                            def startswith(value, prefix):
                                                return value.startswith(prefix)
                                            def endswith(value, suffix):
                                                return value.endswith(suffix)
                                            def matches_regex(value, pattern):
                                                return re.match(pattern, value) is not None
                                            def is_callable(value):
                                                return callable(value)
                                            def all_(value):
                                                return all(value)
                                            def any_(value):
                                                return any(value)
                                            def longer_than(value, length):
                                                return len(value) > length
                                            def shorter_than(value, length):
                                                return len(value) < length
                                            def weekend(value):
                                                return value.weekday() >= 5
                                            def weekday(value):
                                                return value.weekday() < 5
                                            def leap_year(value):
                                                return value.year % 4 == 0 and (value.year % 100 != 0 or value.year % 400 == 0)
                                            def almost_equal(value, other, tolerance=1e-6):
                                                return abs(value - other) < tolerance

@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@

                                        import math
                                        import datetime
                                        def init_filters(site):
                                            def first_paragraph(value):
                                                return value.split("\n\n")[0]
                                            def split(value, sep, maxsplit=-1):
                                                return value.split(sep, maxsplit)
                                            def rsplit(value, sep, maxsplit=-1):
                                                return value.rsplit(sep, maxsplit)
                                            def partition(value, sep):
                                                return value.partition(sep)
                                            def rpartition(value, sep):
                                                return value.rpartition(sep)
                                            def lstrip(value, chars=None):
                                                return value.lstrip(chars)
                                            def rstrip(value, chars=None):
                                                return value.rstrip(chars)
                                            def strip(value, chars=None):
                                                return value.strip(chars)
                                            def removeprefix(value, prefix):
                                                return value.removeprefix(prefix)
                                            def removesuffix(value, suffix):
                                                return value.removesuffix(suffix)
                                            def remove(value, string):
                                                return value.replace(string, "")
                                            def strftime(value: datetime.datetime | | datetime.time, format_):
                                                return value.strftime(format_)
                                            def unixtime(value: datetime.datetime | | datetime.time):
                                                return round(value.timestamp())
                                            def strptime(value, format_):
                                                return datetime.datetime.strptime(value, format_)
                                            def round_(value, decimals=0):
                                                return round(value, decimals)
                                            def floor(value):
                                                return math.floor(value)
                                            def ceiling(value):
                                                return math.ceil(value)
                                            def units(value, decimals=2, scale=1024,
                                                      suffixes=("B", "kiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB")):
                                                for unit in suffixes:
                                                    if value < scale:
                                                    value /= scale
                                                if int(value) == value:
                                                    return int(value) + "\u202f" + unit
                                                return round(value * 10 ** decimals) / 10 ** decimals + "\u202f" + unit
                                            def conditional(value, true_value, false_value):
                                                return true_value if value else false_value
                                            def debug_log_value(value):
                                                return value
                                            def harvester_protection(value):
                                                return "".join(f"&#x{ord(char):x};" for char in value)
                                            def pretty_number(value, separator="\u202f"):
                                                return f"{value:,}".replace(",", separator)
                                            def hex_(value):
                                                return hex(value).removeprefix("0x")
                                            def oct_(value):
                                                return oct(value).removeprefix("0o")
                                            def bin_(value):
                                                return bin(value).removeprefix("0b")
                                            def join(value, separator=" "):
                                                return separator.join(value)
                                            def replace(value, old, new):
                                                return value.replace(old, new)
                                            def file_stat(value):
                                                return value.stat()
                                            def path_cat(*value):
                                                return os.path.join(*value)
                                            def path_dirname(value):
                                                return os.path.dirname(value)
                                            def path_basename(value):
                                                return os.path.basename(value)
                                            def path_splitext(value):
                                                return os.path.splitext(value)
                                            def type_(value):
                                                return type(value)
                                            def type_name(value):
                                                return type(value).__name__
                                            def nth(value, step, start=0):
                                                return value[start::step]
                                            def key_list(value):
                                                return list(value.keys())
                                            def value_list(value):
                                                return list(value.values())
                                            def item_list(value):
                                                return list(value.items())
                                            def remove_dupes(value):
                                                list = []
                                                for i in value:
                                                    if i not in list:
                                                return list
                                            def percent(value, maximum, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value * maximum / 100, decimals) + "%"
                                            def percent_of(value, total, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value / total * 100, decimals) + "%"
                                            def permille(value, maximum, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value * maximum / 1000, decimals) + "‰"
                                            def permille_of(value, total, decimals=2):
                                                return round(value / total * 1000, decimals) + "‰"
                                            def timezone(value, timezone):
                                                return value.astimezone(timezone)
                                        def init_tests(site):
                                            def isinstance_(value, type_):
                                                return isinstance(value, type_)
                                            def only_chars(value, chars):
                                                return set(value).issubset(set(chars))
                                            def is_empty(value):
                                                return not len(value)
                                            def is_not_empty(value):
                                                return len(value)
                                            def past_date(value):
                                                return value <
                                            def future_date(value):
                                                return value >
                                            def is_numeric(value):
                                                    return True
                                                except ValueError:
                                                    return False
                                            def startswith(value, prefix):
                                                return value.startswith(prefix)
                                            def endswith(value, suffix):
                                                return value.endswith(suffix)
                                            def matches_regex(value, pattern):
                                                return re.match(pattern, value) is not None
                                            def is_callable(value):
                                                return callable(value)
                                            def all_(value):
                                                return all(value)
                                            def any_(value):
                                                return any(value)
                                            def longer_than(value, length):
                                                return len(value) > length
                                            def shorter_than(value, length):
                                                return len(value) < length
                                            def weekend(value):
                                                return value.weekday() >= 5
                                            def weekday(value):
                                                return value.weekday() < 5
                                            def leap_year(value):
                                                return value.year % 4 == 0 and (value.year % 100 != 0 or value.year % 400 == 0)
                                            def almost_equal(value, other, tolerance=1e-6):
                                                return abs(value - other) < tolerance